Browsing by Title
Now showing items 6349-6368 of 6981
Training the Men of Providence Bible Fellowship, West Chester, Ohio to Be Spiritual Leaders in the Home
(2016-01-05)ABSTRACT TRAINING THE MEN OF PROVIDENCE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP WEST CHESTER, OHIO TO BE SPIRITUAL LEADERS IN THE HOME Jerry Greg Birdwell, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015 Faculty Supervisor: ... -
Training the Parents of Shady Oaks Baptist Church, Hurst, Texas, to Lead Family Worship
(2018-09-28)This project was designed to train the parents of Shady Oaks Baptist Church in Hurst, Texas, to lead family worship in their homes. The project included assessing the current level of family discipleship practices and ... -
Training the People of Parkway Baptist Church, Fort Myers, Florida, To Pray Evangelistically
(2013-05-30)This project provided training in evangelistic prayer to the people of Parkway Baptist Church in Fort Myers, Florida. Chapter 1 lists the project goals, describes the church's history and current status at the time of ... -
Training the Staff of Vineyard Life Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, in Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2024-05)Charles Duayne Fox, DEdMin The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2024 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. T. J. Betts This project was undertaken to equip the staff of Vineyard Life Church by increasing their ability to capably ... -
Training Worship Leaders Through the Worship Wars: A Study of the Development of Liberty University's Undergraduate Music and Worship Leadership Degree Programs from 1971 to 2018
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Church Ministries, 2019-12-03)How educational institutions train worship leaders to serve in the twenty-first century evangelical church, particularly churches in the revivalist mold, differs significantly from the methods employed by many academic ... -
Training Young Adult Members of the Zion Number One Missionary Baptist Church in Barton, Alabama to Become Committed Disciples of Jesus Christ
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2021-09-20)The purpose of this project was to train the young adult members of the Zion Number One Missionary Baptist Church in Barton, Alabama, to become maturing disciples of Jesus Christ. Chapter 1 provides details of the context, ... -
A Trajectory Away From the Truth: How to Undermine the Bible
(2003-08-12) -
The Transcendentalists and the Making of the Modern Mind
(2008-12-03) -
Transcending the Times: Glorious Images of the Gospel
(2014-03-11) -
A Transcription for Solo Organ: Symphony on a Hymn Tune, Op. 53, by Virgil Thomson
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012-05-23)The primary purpose of this study is to provide a transcription for solo organ of Virgil Thomson's Symphony on a Hymn Tune. The study is two-fold: first, to explore the early life and career of Thomson with a focused ... -
Transformational Expository Preaching
(2013-10-31) -
Transformational Expository Preaching
(2012-10-31) -
Transforming Mission Culture In Church Revitalization: A Mixed Methods Study
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2020-11-02)The North American church is on the edge of a precipice. The majority of churches are in need of revitalization. As churches turn inward and focus on their own personal preference, needs, and spiritual growth the church ... -
Transforming The Discipleship Culture In Church Revitalization: A Mixed-Methods Study
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2019-10-22)The numbers are alarming. Almost seventy-four percent of churches within the SBC are either in a state of plateau or decline. The church at large has a responsibility to reverse the trend and move the collective church ... -
Transforming the Leadership Development Culture in Church Revitalizations: A Mixed Methods Study
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2019-10-26)As the church in North America declines, many search for answers to turn the tide. One avenue is church revitalization: turning plateaued or declining churches into growing churches once again. The purpose of this study ... -
Transforming the Prayer Culture in Church Revitalization: A Mixed Methods Study
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Church Ministries, 2019-10-26)Churches within the U.S. continue to decline at an alarming rate. Southern Baptist churches close their doors at a rate of approximately 1000 churches every year. Consequently, churches must be revitalized because church ... -
A Transgender Pastor in the Pulpit?