Browsing Open Access Dissertations and Theses by Title
Now showing items 561-580 of 843
Pastoral Preaching: A Reformation and Redefinition of a Pastor’s Call to Preach for the Purpose of Sanctification
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2019-04-16)Chapter 1 introduces the dissertation’s thesis, highlights its methodology and establishes its goals. The dissertation argues that pastoral preaching is any preaching in the setting of a local congregation where the pastor ... -
The Pastoral Theology of the Apostolic Fathers
(School of Theology, 2024-05)This dissertation argues that early Christianity possessed a stable and unified theology of pastoral identity and work. Historic studies of early Christian leadership sought to justify present ecclesiological structures ... -
Pastoral Training Approaches in the Local Church: A Multi-Case Study
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018-01-02)If churches are to thrive and grow, they need skilled, experienced, and spiritually mature pastors. It is also essential that churches develop strategies to equip more of these competent pastors. Many church leaders may ... -
Paternal Influence on the Eudiamonic Well-Being of Emerging Adult Sons Participating in Campus Crusade for Christ
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-12-23)The purpose of this study is to examine if a relationship exists between paternal involvement during emerging adulthood and eudaimonic well-being in sons involved with Cru in the Great Lakes region in the United States. ... -
Patterns of Shared Leadership in the Apostolic Fathers
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-03-31)While the cumulative history of the early church paints a trajectory towards a strict form of vertical, hierarchical leadership, at least five patterns of shared leadership emerge throughout the Apostolic Fathers that make ... -
Paul and Allegory: Galatians 4:21–31 Revisited
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2022-11-11)Those engaged in modern hermeneutical debates have begun to look afresh at the apostles for guidance concerning how one should read the Bible. How did the apostles read, and do their methods match those used in modern ... -
Paul's Endangered Benefactor: Galatians in Its Benefaction Context
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2022-09-29)Paul’s use of the word χάρις (“generosity,” “benefaction,” “gratitude”) in Galatians (Gal 1:3, 6, 15; 2:9, 21; 5:4; 6:18; cf. χαρίζεσθαι in 3:18) opens the possibility for understanding his interaction with the wider ... -
Paul's preaching in the Epistle to the Ephesians and its homiletical implications
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2003-06-26)The purpose of this dissertation was to explore Paul's preaching of the significant theological themes in Ephesians in an attempt to establish a model of expository preaching for modern preachers. The study comprised five ... -
Paul's Proclamation, Defense, and Application of the Gospel in Galatians as a Paradigm for Gospel-Centered Preaching
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013-12-30)This dissertation uses Paul's letter to the Galatian Christians as a guide for gospel-centered preaching. The dissertation argues that evangelical Christianity suffers from a lack of gospel rich preaching, assesses that ... -
The Pauline Doctrine of Love
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1950) -
Paul’s Culturally Contextualized Apologetic
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2020-05)In this dissertation, I argue that Paul carried out culturally contextualized apologetics, presenting a model for culturally effective apologetics. I argue that Paul’s cultural contextualization in his apologetics takes ... -
Paul’s Gospel Approach to the Athenians: A Missional Implication for Contemporary Nepalese Hindu Contexts
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2023-12)Eastern philosophies, especially Hinduism, are appealing to the Western mind. Hindu adherents can be found in many neighborhoods with Hindu temples in nearby towns and cities. Instead of proclaiming the uncompromised gospel ... -
Penal Substitutionary Atonement as the Basis for New Covenant and New Creation
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-06-18)This study will demonstrate that penal substitutionary atonement is necessary for the new creation. The new covenant promises are inaugurated at Jesus’ death and at Pentecost when the Spirit indwells Christians; the promises ... -
Pentecostalization: The Changing Face of Baptists in West Africa
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012-12-14)Over the past century, Pentecostalism has risen from obscurity to ascendancy in global Christianity. This ascendancy appears prominently in West Africa where Neo-Pentecostalism has transformed the religious landscape. Very ... -
People and Place: A Spatial Analysis of the Kingdom in Matthew
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-03-31)This dissertation seeks to answer the following question: how do recent spatial theories help one interpret Jesus' bringing of the kingdom in Matthew? The thesis argued that Jesus comes to reorder the space of the earth ... -
The People of God: Toward an Evangelical Ecclesiology
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-01-12)ABSTRACT THE PEOPLE OF GOD: TOWARD AN EVANGELICAL ECCLESIOLOGY Juan Ramon Sanchez, Jr., Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015 Chair: Dr. Gregg R. Allison This dissertation argues that in ... -
The perceived needs of high school male adolescents and the implications for mentoring adolescents of divorced parents
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2003-05-01)The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceived needs of high school male adolescents and study possible implications for mentoring those of divorced parents. The researcher defines adolescents, discipleship, ... -
A performer's analysis of the bass roles in selected Old Testament narrative English oratorios of George Frideric Handel
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2003-08-26)This document facilitates the study of the bass roles, including the bass arias and recitatives that are in the Old Testament English oratorios of George Frideric Handel. This study is largely dependent upon the Chrysander ... -
Persecution and Cosmic Conflict in Galatians
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018-06-07)This dissertation argues that persecution in Galatians manifests the cosmic conflict between God and the present evil age. Chapter 1 introduces the reader to the topic of persecution in Galatians and the history of research. ... -
Personalized Learning: A Meta-Analysis
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2021-04-27)Personalized learning has no agreed upon definition, models, or systemization of how to employ it. There is even variation in concerning its benefits. This research attempts build an understanding of personalized learning ...