Browsing Open Access Projects by Title
Now showing items 542-561 of 721
Preparing an Elder Training Plan for Those Aspiring to the Office of Elder at Liberty Baptist Church of Dalhart, Texas
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Ministries, 2021-09-17)The purpose of this project was to develop and implement a training manual for aspiring elders at Liberty Baptist Church of Dalhart, Texas. Chapter 1 explains the ministerial context of Liberty Baptist Church and the need ... -
Preparing and Transitioning a Multi-Site Campus to a Local Church at The Village Church in Denton, Texas
(2016-10-27)ABSTRACT PREPARING AND TRANSITIONING A MULTI-SITE CAMPUS TO A LOCAL CHURCH AT THE VILLAGE CHURCH IN DENTON, TEXAS William Beau Hughes, D.Ed.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016 Faculty ... -
Preparing Members at Maywood Evangelical Free Church in Rockford, Illinois, to Reach Their Community for Christ
(2017-06-16)Chapter 1 is an introduction to the project, containing information about the current state of the church and providing rationale for the project. Included are the ministry context and demographic information of the Maywood ... -
Preparing Members of the Salvation Army of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to Be Christian Apologists
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2021-11-16)This project attempts to train and prepare members of The Salvation Army of Lancaster, Pennsylvania to be Christian apologists. Chapter 1 outlines the history and ministry context of The Salvation Army along with the goals ... -
Preparing Spiritually to Preach the Word
(2013-12-30)This project explores how to prepare spiritually to preach the Word of God, and it develops a curriculum to train lay leaders and local church ministers in this approach to spiritual preparation. Chapter 1 introduces the ... -
Preparing the Members of Tabernacle Baptist Church Cartersville, Georgia to Evangelize Apologetically
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2020-11-04)This project seeks to equip members of Tabernacle Baptist Church of Cartersville, Georgia to apologetically evangelize to their community. Chapter 1 presents the current ministry context of Tabernacle and the goals of this ... -
Prioritizing Preaching as a Primary Means of Encouraging Spiritual Growth Among the Body of Believers at LifeHouse Church in Townsend, Delaware
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)This project seeks to guide the LifeHouse Church congregation in Townsend, Delaware, towards a greater emphasis on preaching as a primary avenue for spiritual growth. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the ministry context ... -
Promoting A Culture of Spiritual Growth Through Equipping Student Leaders for Discipleship at Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, Florida
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Ministries, 2019-04-08)PROMOTING A CULTURE OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH THROUGH EQUPPING STUDENT LEADERS FOR DISCIPLESHIP AT TRINITY BAPTIST COLLEGE IN JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA Jeremiah Ryan Stanley, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological ... -
Promoting Church Unity Through the Pulpit at First Baptist Church in West Bend, Wisconsin
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Ministries, 2022-03-23)This project seeks to promote unity in the church through preaching a clear philosophy ofministry which is grounded in the doctrine and purpose of First Baptist Church West Bend, Wisconsin. Chapter 1 presents the ministry ... -
Promoting the Value of Biblical Counseling Through Training Members of Palmetto Baptist Church, Easley, South Carolina
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Ministries, 2019-12-07)This DMin project sought to promote the value of biblical counseling through training members of Palmetto Baptist Church, Easley, South Carolina. Chapter 1 discusses the sufficiency of Scripture and its authority in ... -
Propelling a Movement of Multiplying Churches from the Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina
(2014-05-16)PROPELLING A MOVEMENT OF MULTIPLYING CHURCHES FROM THE SUMMIT CHURCH IN RALEIGH-DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA David Nicholas Thompson, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2014 Faculty Supervisor: Michael S. ... -
Providing Biblical Guidance About Alcohol Abuse to Churches in Abia State, Nigeria
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2021-11-30)This project develops a curriculum that provides biblical guidance about alcohol abuse among young adults and then implements the teaching through a training course in five Baptist Churches in Abia state. Chapter 1 ... -
Providing Christ-Centered Soul Care for Christian Leaders through GlobalLead International
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2019-04-30)This project sought to prepare the strategic level staff, volunteers, and key ministry partnership leaders of globalLead to be able to more fully understand and apply soul care principles for leaders from the life of Christ. ... -
Reading the Gospels Well to Counsel People Well: Hermeneutics, Biblical Counseling, and the Gospel of Matthew
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2021-04-06)This project unites hermeneutics, biblical studies, and biblical counseling to propose an approach for faithfully reading passages in the Gospel of Matthew in an effort to counsel with wisdom and discernment. Chapter 1 ... -
Reconciled In Christ: An Intertextual Biblical Model for Ethnodoxology Practice in Local Church Ministry
(School of Ministries, 2018-11-28)This thesis seeks to broaden foundations for a biblical theology of multi-ethnic worship, offer a model for ethnodoxology practice specifically geared to North American local church ministry, and serve practicing ... -
Recovering Biblical Church Membership at Mt. Hebron Baptist Church, Connelly Springs, North Carolina
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2019-04-19)ABSTRACT RECOVERING BIBLICAL CHURCH MEMBERSHIP AT MT. HEBRON BAPTIST CHURCH, CONNELLY SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA Eric Byron James, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2019 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. ... -
Refining the Corporate Worship of Crossroads Church in Hammond, Louisiana, According to Scripture
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2019-04-29)The purpose of the project was to promote trust in the sufficiency of Scripture by refining the corporate worship of Crossroads Church, Hammond, Louisiana, according to Scripture. Chapter 1 introduces Crossroads Church and ... -
Relational Evangelism Strategies for Calvary Baptist Church, Greenwood, Indiana
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Ministries, 2020-12-08)This project challenged the street canvasing method of evangelism. It arguedthat rapport should be built before sharing the gospel. Rapport building techniques were identified then compared to twelve autobiographies of ... -
The Relationship Between Preparatory Time and Study Resources with Adult Christian Education Curriculum Resources at Highpoint Baptist Church Eight Mile, Alabama
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Ministries, 2013-04-30)The purpose of this study was to analyze a possible relationship between two catalysts: the amount of time and the number of Bible study resources teachers use in preparation to teach Sunday school with Christian education ... -
Resourcing Members of Highlands Community Church, Renton, Washington, to Minister to Bereaved Parents
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2019-11-20)Jesse Austin Campbell, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2019 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Michael E. Pohlman The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only meaningful hope to be offered parents bereaved by ...