Browsing Dissertations, Theses, and Projects by Title
Now showing items 3-22 of 1759
A. W. Tozer: A Mystical and Confessional Evangelical
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018-02-19)One of the most intriguing aspects of Tozer’s ministry is the extent to which he drew from the writings of medieval Catholic mystics. In fact, twenty-eight of the thirty-five books on his recommended reading list were ... -
“Abiding”: A Biblical Critique of Andrew Murray’s Theology and Writings on Prayer
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2023-04-06)This DEdMin thesis demonstrates that while Andrew Murray seeks to teach believers to pray for the most important of reasons—to bring God glory—the Second Blessing theology, which informs his writings, gives cause for ... -
Abraham and the exile in Galatians 3:1-14
(2004-12-07)This dissertation examines the thesis that Paul, in Galatians 3:1-14, is making a prophetic statement to the Galatians in which he interprets the story of Israel from Abraham through the Exile to provide an historical ... -
Abstraction in J. S. Bach's "Chaconne": A Model for Reconciling Artist and Audience Today
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017-05-31)Modernist accounts of artistic integrity often required artists to alienate audiences. In some senses, the relationship between artists and audiences never recovered, and arts organizations today struggle to overcome the ... -
Academic integrity and the non-traditional student: Demographics, rationales, and the role of religious beliefs
(2007-12-05)This dissertation examined academic integrity among nontraditional college students attending nontraditional educational degree programs. Conducted at a midsized regionally accredited theological school, only nontraditional ... -
The accuracy of youth ministers' conception of the lasting faith tendency of youth
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2009-05-15)The assumption of the current study is that ongoing church attendance is a foundational component of the quest for genuine discipleship in young people. Chapter 1 examines the problem of the exodus of youth from the church ... -
The Active Obedience of Jesus Christ
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2010-05)This dissertation examines the doctrine of the active obedience of Christ. Chapter 1 defines the doctrine, surveys previous literature, offers warrant for the work, and previews the argument of the work. In short, the ... -
Addressing Issues Related to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Self-Identifying Christians in the Asian American Church
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2020-10-15)In the past two decades, a significant number of revisionist literature has been published by queer Asian theologians challenging orthodox teachings on homosexuality and gender identity. The issue that the Asian American ... -
Addressing the Impact of Unreconciled Conflict On Church Health at Consolidated Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2022-11-05)The purpose of this project was to address the impact of unresolved conflict at the Consolidated Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky, by teaching leaders the tenets of a Godly posture when faced with a conflict at church. ... -
Addressing the Weight of Caring for Souls and the Troubled Heart of the Pastor Through Biblical Counseling
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2024-05)This thesis addresses how a pastor who is under a holy calling from God to guard his flock as well as his life and doctrine will sometimes find himself weary and isolated in the process. In times like these, he must gauge ... -
Adolescent Christian Formation and Mother Nurturance and Involvement: A Mixed Methods Study
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013-12-30)This research study was an examination of the relationship between mother nurturance and involvement and the Christian formation of adolescents. Mother involvement was measured according to the adolescent's perception in ... -
Adoption and the Formation of Eschatological Identity: An Exegetical Study of Huiothesia
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-12-23)ABSTRACT ADOPTION AND THE FORMATION OF ESCHATOLOGICAL IDENTITY: AN EXEGETICAL STUDY OF HUIOTHESIA Christopher Frederick Wehrle, PhD The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016 Chair: Dr. Mark A. ... -
Adoption Rates Among Evangelicals: A Mixed Methods Study
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-01-12)ABSTRACT ADOPTION RATES AMONG EVANGELICALS: A MIXED METHODS STUDY Matthew Scott Thompson, Ed.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015 Chair: Dr. Anthony W. Foster The purpose of this study ... -
Affective Church Evangelism: Union with Christ as Impetus for Church Evangelism
(2017-06-22)Despite the fact that union with Christ is featured in Calvinian soteriology, it is too often communicated in mere abstract categories that underemphasize the affective, Trinitarian nature of union with Christ and ... -
Affective Social Neurobiology and Student Formation in Christian Higher Education Institutions: A Transdisciplinary Multimethod Study
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2019-05-09)This multimethod study utilizes methods of grounded qualitative meta-analysis and transdisciplinary textual analysis to examine the extent to which the phenomenon of student spiritual formation at Christian higher education ... -
African American sacred rhetoric: An African American homiletic style informed by Western tradition
(2005-09-01)This dissertation examines the relationship between a stream of African American preaching and a stream of Western tradition. In this instance, Western tradition is narrowed to some aspects and characteristics of Scottish ... -
Albert B. Simpson's theology and practice of evangelism
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2003-06-16)This dissertation examines the evangelistic theology of Albert B. Simpson and demonstrates how his theology affected his practice of evangelism. A corollary purpose of this work is to provide a framework by which a pastor ... -
All of Christ for All of Life: Discipling Believers in the Christian Worldview at Riverview Baptist Church in West Saint Paul, Minnesota
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2022-03-10)The goal of this project was to disciple believers in the Christian worldview by teaching the foundational beliefs of Christianity and then applying the Christian worldview to the major areas of life. Chapter 1 lays out ... -
“All the Land Thrown Open:” Southern Culture and Southern Baptist Chaplains: 1861-1865
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2020-11-23)Southern Baptist chaplains informed Confederate culture and religious belief during the American Civil War by contributing to a unique narrative of Southern identity. One sees the narrative through the letters and sermons ... -
All We Have is Christ: The Centrality of Union with Christ in the Church's Corporate Worship
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Church Ministries, 2020-11-11)This dissertation argues that union with Christ gives definition to the church and should thus be central in the church’s understanding and practice of corporate worship. Chapter 1 discusses the functional theology expressed ...