Browsing Dissertations, Theses, and Projects by Title
Now showing items 778-797 of 1759
Factors in expository preaching that influence attention, comprehension and retention levels
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2006-05-18)The gathered data in this research provides pastors, Christian educators, and other educators with a better understanding of multi-sensory teaching and advanced multi-sensory teaching and their influence on the cognitive ... -
Factors Relating to Diminished Confidence in Core Christian Doctrines among Students in Private Colleges and Universities: a Mixed Methods Study
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Church Ministries, 2021-03-26)The purpose of this mixed methods study was to determine areas where students attending private colleges or universities found themselves least equipped to defend core Christian doctrines of the faith to define areas that ... -
Factors Relating to Diminished Confidence in Core Christian Doctrines Among Students in Public Colleges and Universities: A Mixed Methods Study
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2021-03-30)The purpose of this research study was to explore factors relating to diminished confidence in core Christian doctrines among public college students. Research reports thirty to sixty percent of young adults spiritually ... -
The failure of the Twelve in the Gospel of Mark: A classification of the evidence
(2003-12-05)This thesis examines the accounts of the Twelve's failures as they are provided in the Gospel of Mark and seeks to classify these failures into coherent categories. Chapter 1 offers grounds for studying these accounts of ... -
Faith Maturity: A Comparison between Young Adults in Emerging Churches and in Conservative Evangelical Churches
(2010-12)This dissertation examined the faith maturity scores of young adults in emerging churches and in conservative Evangelical churches. An analysis of faith maturity as well as an overview of emerging churches and conservative ... -
The faith of Jesus Christ: an analysis of Paul's use of pistis Christou
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2003-12-01)[Greek words romanized in title and description] This dissertation defends the thesis that the Pauline phrase, pistis Christou ("faith of Christ" [Rom 3:22,26; Gal 2:16, 20; 3:22; Phil 3:9; Eph 3:12]), in its various contexts, ... -
Faith, obedience, and justification: Current evangelical departures from sola fide
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005-05-12)The thesis of this study is that influential evangelicals have adopted views regarding the relation of faith, obedience, and justification (or, in other words, justification sola fide ) that are in conflict with the historic, ... -
The False Self and True Self: A Christian Perspective
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-01-12)The aim of this study, as explained in the first chapter, is to synthesize insights from Christianity and secular psychology in order to answer four questions: (1) Why do people reflect upon themselves? (2) Why do they ... -
Family Ministry and Evangelism: An Empirical Study of Family Ministry Engagement and Baptism Ratios in the Southern Baptist Convention
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018-01-02)Proponents of a family ministry strategy believe that Christian parents are called to be the primary disciple-makers in their children’s lives and that the church is called to equip parents for that important task. This ... -
Family ministry perceptions and practices in Hmong Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches: a multiple case study
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-10-27)In this holistic, multiple-case, replication study, key informant interviews, focus group interviews, documents, and field notes were gathered, coded, and analyzed from three stratified, randomly selected Hmong C&MA churches ... -
Far and Near: Christian Worship of the Transcendent and Immanent God of Wonders
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-06-18)ABSTRACT FAR AND NEAR: CHRISTIAN WORSHIP OF THE TRANSCENDENT AND IMMANENT GOD OF WONDERS Charles Thomas Lewis, Jr., Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015 Chair: Dr. Bruce A. Ware "Far and Near: ... -
Father absence during childhood and its impact on adult males with implications for Christian ministry
(2008-05-13)The objective of this dissertation was to examine the impact of father absence during childhood on adult males and to identify implications for Christian ministry. Information from the field of psychology, the men's movement, ... -
The Fear of the Lord in the New Testament : A Motivating Factor in Religious Behavior
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1958) -
The Fear of the Lord: The Forgotten Foundation of Flourishing Leadership
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Ministries, 2020-05)This thesis argues that the fear of the Lord grounds flourishing leadership. A combination of awe and obedience, the fear of the Lord is consistently called for in kings, governors, and judges in the Bible. This obedient ... -
The feminist use of inclusive language for the Trinity: A case study in hermeneutical method
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005-11-29)This thesis explores the relationship between feminists' use of inclusive language for the Trinity and their hermeneutical method in order to determine the viability of their method for theological construction. Chapter 1 ... -
The figurative use of "son(s) of" in the New Testament
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-10-27)Daniel Ferris Born, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016 Chair: Dr. William F. Cook The figurative use of "son(s) of" phrases in the NT represents the author employing the father-son relationship, and ... -
Filius Gratiae: The Venerable Bede's Theology of Grace
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2020-11-25)This dissertation argues that the Venerable Bede held to and promoted an Augustinian theology of grace: humanity is hopelessly corrupted by the fall, and only through God’s gracious election and the bestowal of good gifts ... -
"Filled with the Gifts of God": The Holy Spirit as Agent of Virtue Formation in the Participatory Pneumatology of Didymus the Blind
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018-01-02)This thesis analyzes the pneumatology of Didymus the Blind as expressed in three of his writings: the Commentary on Genesis, the Commentary on Zechariah, and On the Holy Spirit. It attends specifically to the ... -
Finding Christ in the Old Testament Through the Aramaic Memra, Shekinah, and Yeqara of the Targums
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-06-18)This dissertation seeks to find Christ in the Old Testament by examining the targumic passages in which Memra, Shekinah, or Yeqara occur as God's agent or manifestation. Chapter 1 demonstrates that scholars view the Memra, ... -
Finding Identity in Christ at Fireside Baptist Church in Elizabethtown, Kentucky
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Ministries, 2023-12)This ministry project was designed to equip the congregation of Fireside Baptist Church in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, to counter cultural idols. The purpose of equipping was to help the congregation find their identity in ...