Now showing items 511-530 of 837

    • Monogenes in the Johannine Literature 

      Warden, Francis Marion (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1938)
    • "The Most Versatile Man": The Life, Ministry, and Piety of Basil Manly Jr. 

      Smallwood, William (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-06-18)
      This dissertation argues that the life and ministry of Basil Manly Jr. had remarkable impact on the spiritual lives of Southern Baptists. His ability to transform people through the diversity of his labors, which he ...
    • Motivation for Costly Missions: A Comparison of the Journals of Thomas Coke and William Carey 

      Morris, Barry Mark (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-03-31)
      ABSTRACT MOTIVATION FOR COSTLY MISSIONS: A COMPARISON OF THE JOURNALS OF THOMAS COKE AND WILLIAM CAREY Barry Mark Morris, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2014 Chairperson: Dr. George ...
    • The Mountain People of the South: A Sociological Study 

      Brown, Frederick Fernando (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1913)
    • The mourner's bench 

      McLendon, H R (Henry R.) (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1902)
    • Moving from Orthodoxy to Orthopraxy: Sermon Application in the Doctrinal Preaching of John Piper 

      Detwiler, James (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-01-12)
      This dissertation examines sermon application in the doctrinal preaching of John Piper. The work argues that Piper’s use of application is characterized by multifaceted purpose and the qualities of consistency, creativity, ...
    • Moving Towards Definitional Consensus in Contemporary Family Ministry: A Delphi Study 

      Crawley, Shawn D. (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018-03-27)
      The purpose of this study is to seek a consensus definition of family ministry, including the aspects of desired outcome, necessary activities, and perceived locus of responsibility. The three-round Delphi study utilized ...
    • Mr. Valiant for Truth: The Polemic of Charles Haddon Spurgeon as Pastor-Theologian During the Downgrade Controversy (1887-1892) 

      Jessen, Jeremy Duane (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2019-05-03)
      The primary purpose of this dissertation is to answer the question: what was the polemic of Charles Haddon Spurgeon during the Downgrade Controversy? This question is best answered using the Vanhoozer/Strachan paradigm of ...
    • Multi-Racial Team Leadership in the Church: A Mixed Methods Study 

      Harris, John Ivey, Jr. (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2022-12-01)
      If the church in the United States is ever going to make progress in becoming more racially diverse, it must be led by racially diverse leadership. But racially diverse leadership teams are rare, and many of the few that ...
    • The Multi-Site Church Phenomenon in North America: 1950-2010 

      Frye, Brian Nathaniel (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011-05-16)
      This dissertation examines the development of the multi-site church phenomenon in North America from 1950 to 2010. Chapter 1 introduces the multi-site church concept, briefly detailing the development of the multi-site ...
    • My Blood of the Covenant: Reverberation of the New Covenant in Matthew’s Gospel 

      Tilahun, Samson (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2020-10-04)
      When the OT prophets looked ahead to the future redemption, they anticipated a string of redemptive-historical events to be recapitulated in the future. Such recapitulation involves a new deliverance in a new Passover, new ...
    • Mysterion and the Salvation of "All Israel" in Romans 9-11 

      Sears, Philip Chase (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2019-04-23)
      The aim of this study is to build upon the emerging consensus that the Pauline mystery is rooted in a Jewish apocalyptic context, reflecting a “once hidden, now revealed” schema. For Paul, this mystery schema divides history ...
    • The Myth of the Metaphorical Resurrection: A Critical Analysis of John Dominic Crossan's Methodology, Presuppositions, and Conclusions 

      Anderson, Tawa Jon (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011-05-16)
      This dissertation examines the impact of theological worldview upon John Dominic Crossan's scholarly reconstruction of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Chapter 1 introduces the centrality of resurrection belief in ...
    • A narrative-critical reading of God as a character in the Gospel of Matthew 

      Kim, Dong H. (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005-10-10)
      This dissertation examines the function of God as a character, and how the characterization of God works within the narrative of the Gospel of Matthew. Chapter 1 presented a rationale for the study of God as a character. ...
    • The Necessity of a Christocentric, Kingdom-Focused Model of Expository Preaching 

      Prince, David Edward (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011-12-14)
      ABSTRACT THE NECESSITY OF A CHRISTOCENTRIC KINGDOM-FOCUSED MODEL OF EXPOSITORY PREACHING David E. Prince, PH.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011 Chairperson: Dr. Russell D. Moore The ...
    • The Negative Motif of the Sea in the Old Testament 

      Lovett, Kenneth W. (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2019-05-09)
      This dissertation demonstrates that the sea is consistently a negative motif in the OT. Chapter 2 introduces Hermann Gunkel because he wrote the foundational work on the topic of the chaotic sea in the OT. He argued that ...
    • A Neo-Tolstoyan Response to Kitsch 

      Cabal, Daniel Joseph (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2018-11-16)
      Leo Tolstoy’s aesthetic theory in What is Art? defines art as the transmission of emotion through the creation of an object. Awareness of Tolstoy’s history and beliefs extends a more generous understanding to some of his ...
    • The New Authority of the Resurrected Jesus in the Gospels 

      Gregory, Scott Wesson (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2022-04-29)
      Following the evangelists’ emphases in characterizing Jesus, a study of all four resurrection accounts reveals two major themes, namely, that Jesus is (1) the same person as before and (2) one with great and expanded ...
    • The New Covenant in Ephesians 

      Greever, Joshua (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2014-05-16)
      This dissertation maintains that the new covenant was a significant soteriological, ecclesiological, and ethical category in Paul's theology. Using Ephesians as a test case, it analyzes the relevant texts where Paul seems ...
    • The New Exodus in Hebrews 

      Ndzi, Jones Ngeh (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2018-11-13)
      This dissertation argues that four prominent exodus categories serve the author of Hebrews in his explication of Christ’s redemptive accomplishment. Attending to the author’s use of exodus language it analyzes relevant ...