Browsing Open Access Dissertations and Theses by Title
Now showing items 480-499 of 843
Male and Female He Created Them: The Implications of a Paradigmatic Reading of Genesis 1–3 for the Complementarian-Egalitarian Debate
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)This DMin thesis argues that Genesis 1–3 contains, in seed form, the essence of maleness and femaleness as seen in patterned relationships that are upheld, expounded, and applied by biblical authors across the canon. Chapter ... -
Male and Female, He Created Them: Gender in the Context of Human Embodiment
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2023-04-22)In this dissertation, I develop a conception of gender that (1) holds that men and women share a common humanity that is grounded in their mutual creation in the image of God and results in the expression of common human ... -
A Man "Mighty in the Scriptures": The Hermeneutic of John A. Broadus and Its Impact on His Preaching
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018-06-07)Abstract A MAN “MIGHTY IN THE SCRIPTURES”: THE HERMENEUTIC OF JOHN A. BROADUS AND ITS IMPACT ON HIS PREACHING Howard Jared Bumpers, PhD The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018 Chair: Dr. Hershael ... -
Marriage in the Life and Theology of John Gill, Samuel Stennett, and Andrew Fuller
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-06-18)This study examines marriage in the life and writings of three eminent Particular Baptists: John Gill (1697‒1771), Samuel Stennett (1727‒1795), and Andrew Fuller (1754‒1815). Eighteenth-century England was a time of great ... -
Marriage Mentoring with Couples in Marital Crisis: A Qualitative Study
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011-12-14)The current study sought to examine the marriage mentoring model as a method to restore marriages among Christian believers. This thesis first assessed the dissolution of marriages through divorce in order to understand ... -
Marriage, sexuality, and Christian parental instruction: a descriptive analysis of perspectives and practices
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-10-27)ABSTRACT MARRIAGE, SEXUALITY, AND CHRISTIAN PARENTAL INSTRUCTION: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF PERSPECTIVES AND PRACTICES Jennifer Rose Garrison, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016 Chair: ... -
Martyrdom as an impetus for divine retribution in the book of Revelation
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2008-03-25)This dissertation examines the relationship between martyrdom and divine retribution against the martyr's persecutors in the book of Revelation. The argument is made that Revelation portrays martyrdom as an impetus of ... -
"The Matter and the Manner of Preaching": The Influence of Jean Claude on the Preaching of Andrew Fuller
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)The dissertation argues that Jean Claude’s (1619–1687) influential Essay on the Composition of a Sermon supplied Andrew Fuller (1754–1815) with a coherent homiletical method that he modified to fit his own theological ... -
Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, . . . and C. S. Lewis? Two Revolutionary Philosophical, Moral, and Cultural Critiques
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2020-05)This dissertation is a critical comparative analysis of two twentieth-century works of profound philosophical, moral, and cultural criticism: C. S. Lewis’ The Abolition of Man (1944) and Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. ... -
"May I Again Taste the Sweets of Social Religion": The Ecclesiological Devotion of William Carey
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2022-11-15)William Carey has served as an example for over two hundred years of how to effectively fulfill the Great Commission. One of the primary sources of Carey’s success as a missionary was his devotion to the local church. ... -
The Meaning of [Th]anato[s] and Nekpo[s] in the Epistles of Paul
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1938) -
The Meaning of Being: the Challenges of Existential Psychology for Biblical Counseling
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017-05-31)ABSTRACT The Meaning of Being: The Challenges of Existential Psychology for Biblical Counseling Frederick Nobuya Rodeheaver In fulfillment for the degree Doctor of Philosophy The Southern Baptist ... -
The Meaning of ὁ νομος του χριστου in Galatians 6:2
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-06-18)Chapter 1 introduces the problem in terms of multifarious views regarding the phrase ὁ νόμος τοῦ Χριστοῦ in Galatians 6:2. I place my work within broader scholarship’s trajectory by explaining my thesis–that the νόμος in ... -
The Mercati Fragments: A New Edition of Rahlfs 1098
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2022-12-05)This project uses multispectral images of Rahlfs 1098 in order to reexamine thetext of the scriptura inferior (lower layer) containing the Hexapla of Psalms 1788. In chapter 1, I present the aim of the project which is ... -
The Messiah and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit: The Christological Significance of Jesus' Role as the Giver of the Spirit in Luke-Acts
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013-12-30)Without rejecting the general consensus among scholars that Luke emphasizes the humanity of Jesus, this dissertation attempts to contribute to the field of Lukan Christology by contending that there is more to the Lukan ... -
Metánoia (Repentance): A Major Theme of the Gospel of Matthew
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2018-12-12)Mετάνοια (repentance) is a major theme of Matthew, manifested in Jesus’ first words in Matthew 4:17. Matthew 4:17 summarizes Jesus’ teaching and ministry (cf. 3:2) and the command to turn (μετανοέω) in view of the imminent ... -
Michael Tippett's Philosophy of Musical and Eschatological Time and Its Implications for Christian Theology
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2017-12-04)The tension between prevalent conflicting notions of theological time and God’s temporality calls for a new, unified approach to time rooted in biblical theology. This project proposes that a study of Tippett’s musical ... -
The Middle Voice in the Septuagint and the Greek New Testament
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2023-04-29)The Hellenistic Greek verbal system was capable of communicating three voices: active, middle, and passive. Of these, the middle voice has long proven the most difficult for English speakers to understand. Questions exist ... -
The Mind of Christ: The Intellectual Virtue of φρόνησις in Paul's Letters
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2021-12-01)In Paul's letters, there is an epistemic difference between those who are in Christ and those who are not, characterized by the uniquely Christian practice of the intellectual virtue of φρόνησις, or practical wisdom. Over ... -
The Minds of Men Under Vicious Habits: Intellectual Vice and Testimony Rejection in the Gospel of John
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2022-05-05)Trustworthy witnesses testify about Jesus’s identity in John’s Gospel. Some hearers respond in belief, but others respond in unbelief because they are in ethical and epistemic darkness. Intellectual vice, part of what ...