Browsing Open Access Dissertations and Theses by Title
Now showing items 450-469 of 843
The Kingdom Agents or, the Twin Operations of Kingdom and Empire in the Trials of Jesus and Paul
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2023-05-05)Both Luke and Acts end with a strikingly similar series of events: the protagonists of those books (Jesus and Paul, respectively) are called before Roman judicial tribunals who repeatedly find them innocent of any charges ... -
The kingdom in First Corinthians: reevaluating an underestimated Pauline theme
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-01-12)Despite the fact that scholars regularly overlook the theme of the kingdom in Paul’s letters, the thesis of this work is that the kingdom is a foundational component of God’s saving work in Christ in 1 Corinthians. This ... -
The Kingdom of God as a Framework for Evangelical Biblical Hermeneutics
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-01-12)ABSTRACT THE KINGDOM OF GOD AS A FRAMEWORK FOR EVANGELICAL BIBLICAL HERMENEUTICS Daniel Lane Patterson, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015 Chairman: Dr. Russell D. Moore This dissertation ... -
The Lamblike Servant: Exodus Typology and the Death of Jesus in the Gospel of John
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2021-11-13)Amidst the veritable flood of material written concerning the gospel of John, interpreters have written comparatively little concerning John's use of new exodus imagery. George Balentine's 1962 article, The Death of Jesus ... -
Lament in Romans: Promise, Suffering, and the Cry of Distress
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011-05-16)This dissertation explores the use of Old Testament lament language in Paul's Letter to the Romans. The overarching thesis is that Paul employs Old Testament Language in order to express the depth of creation's suffering ... -
The Language of Providence in the Lives of Joseph Stennett and Gilbert Burnet
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2018-11-02)This dissertation presents Joseph Stennett and Gilbert Burnet as two preachers of providence during and after the Glorious Revolution, arguing that Joseph Stennett used the doctrine of providence in manner consistent with ... -
Law and Love in Second Temple Judaism and in Galatians 5:14
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2022-11-20)This dissertation argues that Paul interprets the love command of Leviticus 19:18 in Galatians 5:14 primarily in the light of Jesus Christ. This does not mean that Paul considers Christ only when he states the relationship ... -
The Laying On of Hands As a Paradigm for Ecclesiastical Ordination: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Study
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2021-12-04)The tradition of the laying on of hands (LOH) can be ambiguous in both essence and practice. Further, the contemporary evangelical church and the academy lack a robust understanding its significance in both orthodoxy and ... -
Leadership Development Process of Select House Church Networks in North America: A Multi-Case Study
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011-05-16)This dissertation analyzed the leadership development process among four North American house church networks. The study involved leader/trainers and house church leaders within all four networks. The intent of this study ... -
A Leadership Profile of the Successful Transitional Pastor: A Delphi Study
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018-06-07)A LEADERSHIP PROFILE OF THE SUCCESSFUL TRANSITIONAL PASTOR: A DELPHI STUDY Michael Austin Kramer, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018 Chair: Dr. Michael S. Wilder Over the last fifteen years ... -
Leadership structures and dynamics in multisite churches: a quantitative study
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-10-27)In spite of the multisite phenomenon’s apparent “success” and effectiveness in fulfilling the Great Commission, there are looming variables related to leadership structures and organizational complexities that have not ... -
Leadership Style and Listening Practices of IMB Team Leaders: A Correlational Study
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011-05-16)Listening is a critical skill for those who lead. Research indicates that leaders significantly influence followers through their listening practices; however the relationship between leadership styles and listening is ... -
Leadership Style and Teaching Orientation of Pastors of Solo-Pastor SBC Churches
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011-05-16)The purpose of this research was to analyze the relationship between the leadership style and teaching orientation of a random sample of pastors of solo-pastor churches in the SBC. The leadership styles that were analyzed ... -
Leadership Style and Tenure of Youth Ministers: A Mixed Methods Study
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-06-18)ABSTRACT LEADERSHIP STYLE AND TENURE OF YOUTH MINISTERS: A MIXED METHODS STUDY John Ellis Steen, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015 Chair: Dr. Brian C. Richardson This research study is an examination ... -
Learning Theory in Adult Discipleship: A Quasi-Experiment Assessing Adult Learning in a Sunday School Context
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011-12-14)This study was concerned with the learning that takes place in the adult learning context of adult Sunday school classes in Southern Baptist churches. Using Lev Vygotsky's concept of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), ... -
Lecrae and the Differing Perceptions Among American Protestants of the Causes of Disparate Racial Experiences
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2022-05-01)While White evangelical Protestants and Black Protestants are remarkably similar across measures of theological belief and practice, their views on racial issues tend to be deeply divergent. These divergent views have often ... -
Lifted up and glorified: Isaiah's servant language in the Gospel of John
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-10-27)This project explores John’s portrait of Jesus in the Gospel of John and argues that John presents Jesus as the Servant of the Lord from Isaiah primarily through his allusions to the Servant passages. The Servant is not ... -
The Light Overcomes the Darkness: Cosmic Conflict in the Fourth Gospel
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-03-31)The thesis for this dissertation is that the Fourth Gospel does have a developed theology of cosmic conflict. Furthermore, warfare is evidenced in the Fourth Gospel by the author's portrayal of three primary aspects of ... -
A linguistic analysis of the articular infinitive in New Testament Greek
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2004-12-07)This dissertation seeks to ask and answer the following question. What is the semantic and/or syntactic value of the articular infinitive in New Testament Greek? It is argued that the article primarily serves as a function ... -
The Literary Reception of the Spirituality of Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784): an Afrosensitive Reading
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018-11-09)This dissertation explores the theological and ethical preoccupations of Phillis Wheatley in colonial New England. Chapter 1 frames the conversation around relevant research and states the project thesis to explain Wheatley’s ...