Browsing Open Access Projects by Title
Now showing items 398-417 of 721
Godly Discipline: Biblical Counseling and Church Discipline Modeled After God's Restorative Discipline
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2022-11-19)This thesis argues biblical counseling and church discipline model God’s restorative discipline in the church. The first chapter is an introduction and overview to the issues, related resources, and current gaps in the ... -
The Gospel in Genesis: How An Ancient Message Subverts Contemporary Worldviews and Lays the Foundation for a Christ-Centered Gospel
(2018-09-28)The goal of this project was to explore the biblical theological themes found in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. Chapter 1 briefly outlines these themes, the “building blocks” of the gospel, and also establishes a ... -
The Gospel of Matthew and the Value of "Full Bloom Aspect" for Biblical Interpretation
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2021-11-08)Matthew’s first two chapters provide fertile ground for debate surrounding his four fulfillment quotations. In an age when biblical interpretation often defaults to the authority of the reader or leans heavily on ... -
Greater Than The Former: A Christocentric Approach To Haggai In Light Of Recent Christocentric Homiletics
(2018-09-28)GREATER THAN THE FORMER: A CHRISTOCENTRIC APPROACH TO HAGGAI IN LIGHT OF RECENT CHRISTOCENTRIC HOMILETICS Alex Ryan Loginow, Sr., D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Brian ... -
Healing the Rift of Race and Faith in Johnston County, North Carolina
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2019-12-02)ABSTRACT HEALING THE RIFT OF RACE AND FAITH IN JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA William Kristen King, DMin The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2019 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Kevin M. Jones Chapter 1 grasps the ... -
A Hermeneutical Critique of Pentecostalism for the Churches of South Africa
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2022-01-21)This project seeks to equip congregants in specific churches in South Africa with the knowledge of the doctrine of Spirit baptism and how to teach it. Chapter 1 presents the ministry context to which the congregants in ... -
A High Bar: Developing a Process for Pastoral Ordination at Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Ministries, 2020-10-31)A HIGH BAR: DEVELOPING A PROCESS FOR PASTORAL ORDINATION AT HICKORY GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH IN CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA This project is aimed at creating a process for pastoral ordination at Hickory Grove Baptist Church ... -
The High Cost of Leadership: Equipping Leaders for Loss
(2016-10-27)ABSTRACT THE HIGH COST OF LEADERSHIP: EQUIPPING LEADERS FOR LOSS Scott Michael Lehr, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016 Faculty Supervisor: Eric B. Geiger Chapter 1 describes the high ... -
The Holy One of God: John's Messiah Who Is YHWH of Moses' Exodus Writings
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2021-11-10)This thesis argues that, by hailing Jesus as the Holy One of God in 6:69, the Fourth Gospel identifies Jesus as YHWH of Moses’ Exodus writings, and the one consecrated to give eternal life. The title “Holy One of God” ... -
Honing the Congregation to Be Attentive to Expository Preaching at First Baptist Church New Lebanon, Ohio
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2020-05)This project equipped congregants at First Baptist Church, New Lebanon, Ohio to be attentive to expository preaching by implementing six simple biblical methods to listen better. Chapter 1 introduces the history and ministry ... -
Identifying and Developing Revitalizing Pastors Within the Chesapeake Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2023-03-19)Chapter 1 introduces the project, describing the context, purpose, rationale, goals, and methodology. Chapter 2 establishes biblical support for the role of leadership in revitalization by examining the tenure of Moses, ... -
Illustrating the Relevance of Old Testament Narrative through the Expository Preaching of Esther at Hope Fellowship Church, Port Lavaca, Texas
(2011-05-17)This project was designed to create increased appreciation in the congregation's understanding of how and why Old Testament narrative is important and relevant for their spiritual lives. Chapter 1 outlines the ministry ... -
Imitation As a Means for Strengthening Pastoral Perseverance
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2019-04-04)This thesis argues for combining a biblical perspective on pastoral perseverance with the historical examples of Jonathan Edwards and Charles Spurgeon will encourage pastors to persevere in ministry. Chapter 1 frames the ... -
The Implementation of a Lay Counseling Program at Oak Park Baptist Church, Jeffersonville, Indiana
(2015-06-18)This project involves evaluating an individual’s competency and confidence in using the Scriptures, developing a curriculum to help foster more confidence in using the Scriptures, and exposing the person to the authority ... -
The Implementation of a Puritan Model of Evangelism and Discipleship at Mountain Community Fellowship, Paintsville, Kentucky
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2012-11-20)This project concerns the contemporary application of Puritan discipleshippractices at Mountain Community Fellowship, Paintsville, Kentucky. Chapter 1 defines a Puritan model of evangelism and discipleship. Details ... -
Implementation of a Sermon-Based Small-Group Curriculum for Harvest Bible Chapel in San Antonio, Texas
(2016-10-27)ABSTRACT IMPLEMENTATION OF A SERMON-BASED SMALL GROUP CURRICULUM AT HARVEST BIBLE CHAPEL, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Ricky Verndale Kyles, D.Ed.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016 Faculty ... -
Implementing A Church Membership Course At Williams Creek Baptist Church Williamstown, West Virginia
(2016-01-05)ABSTRACT IMPLEMENTING A CHURCH MEMBERSHIP COURSE AT WILLIAMS CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH WILLIAMSTOWN, WEST VIRGINIA Michael Scott Horner, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015 Faculty Supervisor: ... -
Implementing a Curriculum on Salvation History at GraceLife Church, Calgary, Alberta
(2017-01-03)Leadership develops in descending order from character to conviction, from convictions to competency, from competency to confidence. This project develops a model and curriculum for training leaders to develop according ... -
Implementing a Disciplemaking Model Among Young Adults at First Baptist Church in Vidalia, Louisiana
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2019-02-10)IMPLEMENTING A DISCIPLEMAKING MODEL AMONG YOUNG ADULTS AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IN VIDALIA, LOUISIANA Wesley Taylor Faulk, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2019 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. William D. ... -
Implementing A Discipleship Mentoring Program at Calvary Baptist Church, Boise, Idaho
(2015-06-18)Abstract Chapter one describes the purpose, goals, and context of the project. Further, the basis for the projected is discussed, along with the project's definitions, limitations, and delimitations. Last, the research ...