An analysis of S.B.C. youth ministry programmatic values investigated through financial expenditures and ministerial activities
The purpose of this study was to investigate the programmatic values of Southern Baptist youth ministries, providing a descriptive analysis of youth ministries' core values communicated through programmatic methodology. To accomplish this aim, the researcher examined youth ministry mission statements, financial expenditures, and ministerial activities of the youth pastor.
The mixed method research design consisted of two phases. Phase one utilized a Delphi panel of youth ministry educators who have expertise in the theory and practice of youth ministry, as well as knowledge of the literature. The panel compiled a list of foundational values and a list of popular values. The second phase utilized these values to survey SBC youth ministry mission statements, financial expenditures, and ministerial activities of the youth pastor. Using the financial expenditures and ministerial activities the researcher provided a descriptive analysis of the programmatic values. Additionally, the programmatic values were examined in light of the stated values as well as the supplied demographic and ministerial information.