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dc.contributor.advisorChitwood, Paul H.
dc.contributor.authorRoberts, John E.
dc.description.abstractThis project explores the development of a discipleship-oriented New Members Class at First Baptist Church in Sterling, Colorado, and explains how this class was implemented. Chapter 1 relates the situation at First Baptist Church and details the need for the New Members Class. Chapter 2 gives the biblical support for the New Members Class. Specifically, this chapter expounds five biblical texts and outlines their implications for the class. Chapter 3 examines best practices for assimilating new members. An overview of the impact of new members classes on membership assimilation is included, along with implications for the New Members Class at First Baptist Church. Chapter 4 describes the implementation of the class and preaching series. Samples of the class curriculum, preaching series outlines, and survey instrument are included in the appendices. Chapter 5 renders an evaluation of the class and the preaching series. Suggestions for further development and implementation are included.en_US
dc.subjectBiblical church membershipen_US
dc.subjectChurch discipleshipen_US
dc.subjectChurch membership defineden_US
dc.subjectMeaningful membershipen_US
dc.titleDeveloping and Implementing a Discipleship-Oriented New Members Class for First Baptist Church, Sterling, Coloradoen_US
dc.typeElectronic projecten_US

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