Teaching the Unity of the Bible Through Preaching the Old Testament Covenants at Harlan Baptist Church, Harlan, Kentucky
This project is an attempt to teach Harlan Baptist Church (Kentucky) the unity of the Bible using the Old Testament covenants. Chapter 1 provides an introduction for the entire project. It is the basis, the context, and the objective for teaching the unity of the Scriptures and the story of redemption.
Chapter 2 is an exegetical and theological analysis of the Old Testament covenants and the New Covenant from the significant covenant texts of the Bible.
Chapter 3 is an examination of preaching Old Testament narrative and prophetic literature in a faithful and Christocentric way.
Chapter 4 describes the preaching project and seminar used in an effort to grow as an expositor and teach the church the unity of the Bible.
Chapter 5 summarizes and evaluates the information and data gathered from the project.