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dc.contributor.advisorBetts, Terry J.
dc.contributor.authorPleasnick, John
dc.description.abstractThis project was designed to train laymen in expository preaching through a combination of teaching, practice, and evaluation. Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to Faith Bible Church and the community in which the church is located. The demographics of the region and church are described, along with the history of the church. As many ministry leaders have occasion to preach regularly and have not had formal training in preaching, a preaching workshop is suggested as a means of improving their sermon preparation and delivery. Chapter 2 discusses the biblical and theological mandate for preaching to consistently connect to the person and work of Jesus. If Christ is the center of the Bible's story, then expositional preaching should have a Christocentric element. The regular neglect of the gospel in preaching has danger for the preacher and the congregation. Such redemptive preaching is a biblical priority and vital for the church's long-term health. Chapter 3 addresses the variety of hermeneutically legitimate methods by which the gospel may be linked to a biblical passage which lacks explicit reference to the person and work of Jesus. A number of viable methods are examined. These methods do not diminish the need for and value of moral exhortation in preaching. Chapter 4 explains the actual implementation of the training process. Questionnaires and sermon evaluation forms are used to assess the value of the preaching workshop for the instructor and the participants. Chapter 5 presents the analysis and evaluation of the ministry project. Goals are evaluated and the strengths and weaknesses of the training methodology are reflected upon. Feedback from participants and personal reflections are shared, with implications for further study.en_US
dc.titleTraining Lay Leaders in Expository Preaching at Faith Bible Church in Murrieta, Californiaen_US
dc.typeElectronic projecten_US

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