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dc.contributor.advisorGreenway, Adam W.
dc.contributor.authorWiley, John Allen
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT EQUIPPING MEMBERS TO MULTIPLY MINISTRY THROUGH MENTORING AT EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, TYRONE, PENNSYLVANIA John Allen Wiley, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Adam W. Greenway This project is an attempt to equip members to multiply ministry through mentoring. Chapter 1 defines the goals of this project as well as the rationale for the work. Chapter 2 seeks to establish a biblical and theological basis for mentorship. This is accomplished by examining the ministries of Moses, Barnabas, and Jesus. Chapter 3 seeks to establish the modern day training methodologies as practiced by the business world. The main training practices are discussed. Chapter 4 describes the equipping members to multiply ministry through mentoring in the lives of the members of Emmanuel Baptist Church. Finally, chapter 5 reveals the results of this ministry project. These results produced visual evidence that mentorship significantly impacts the multiplication of ministry, whereas large group teaching produced very little change in ministry multiplication.en_US
dc.subject.lcshMentoring in church work.en_US
dc.subject.lcshMentoring--Religious aspects--Christianity.en_US
dc.subject.lcshDiscipling (Christianity)en_US
dc.titleEquipping Members in Order to Multiply Ministry through Mentoring at Emmanuel Baptist Church, Tyrone, Pennsylvaniaen_US
dc.typeElectronic projecten_US
dc.embargo.terms1 yearen_US

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