A Strategy to Improve the Use of Illustrations in Expository Preaching at First Baptist Church, Broomfield, Colorado.
This Doctor of Ministry project examines the biblical and practical rationale for the use of illustrations in expository preaching. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the topic and gives the ministry context for which the project was conducted. Chapter 2 is an examination of some key passages from both the Old and New Testaments relevant to illustration. Particular emphasis is given to Ecclesiastes 12:9-11, Ezekiel 37:1-14, Hosea 3:1, Acts 17:28, Romans 10:14, and 2 Corinthians 4:7. Chapter 3 focuses on examples of how to illustrate points in expository preaching. Principles are given on how to determine the needs of the original audience as well as a contemporary audience. Framing the illustration and filling the frame are examined. Donald Grey Barnhouse and Charles Swindoll are given as examples and brief commentary is provided. Chapter 4 reports the results of a 15-week project. The project includes project methodology, data collection, and analysis. Chapter 5 is an evaluation of the entire project. The evaluation includes the project's purpose, goals, strengths, weaknesses, theological reflections and personal reflections.