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dc.contributor.advisorHenard, William D., III
dc.contributor.authorShepherd, Reed Winters
dc.description.abstractThis project seeks to develop a discipleship strategy for military male members of First Baptist Church Oak Grove, Oak Grove, Kentucky. Chapter 1 describes a proposal for discipling military males, including goals, church and community context, and the rationale for the project. Chapter 2 examines the biblical and theological principles of discipleship. Discipleship is established as a priority of the church and Old and New Testament models are given. Chapter 3 explores the contemporary and non-contemporary models of discipleship and their effectiveness. The importance of discipleship is examined, along with discovering how para-church organization disciple military men. Chapter 4 unfolds the details of the actual implementation of the discipleship project. Research instruments were utilized and barriers were defined to develop a process for discipleship. Chapter 5 reviews the effectiveness of the project. The data is analyzed and the goals and process is evaluated for strengths and weaknesses.en_US
dc.subject.lcshChurch work with military personnel.en_US
dc.subject.lcshSoldiers--Religious life--Christianity.en_US
dc.subject.lcshDiscipling (Christianity)en_US
dc.titleDiscipling Military Males at First Baptist Church Oak Grove, Oak Grove, Kentuckyen_US
dc.typeElectronic projecten_US

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