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dc.contributor.advisorWilder, Michael S.
dc.contributor.authorMcNeil, Steven M.
dc.description.abstractThis project provides a comprehensive plan for adults to participate in Bible study and in small group settings. The overall goal is to see that the people of Northside Baptist Church understand the similarities and benefits of Sunday School and Home Small Groups. Chapter 1 presents the purpose, goals, history and context of this project. Chapter 2 examines the seven Biblical principles examined in Acts 2:42-47 and how these give insight, purpose and boundaries related to the small group process. Chapter 3 examines research from authors of Sunday School and home small groups. The sociological principles found were then compared to the biblical principles discovered in chapter two. Chapter 4 is a description of the implementation of this project and how it works in the local church. Chapter 5 is an evaluation as to whether this project was successful or not and what was learned from the project.en_US
dc.subjectSmall Groupsen_US
dc.subjectSunday Schoolen_US
dc.titleDeveloping a Comprehensive Small Group Ministry for the Adults of the Northside Baptist Church of Indianapolis, Indianaen_US
dc.typeElectronic projecten_US

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