Preaching the Biblical Purposes of the Church from the New Testament at First Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia
This project aimed to educate and motivate church members with the New Testament purposes of the church through expository preaching.
Chapter 1 presented the purpose, goals, context, rational, definitions, limitations, and methodology for the project.
Chapter 2 exposed the modern crisis in Christian ecclesiology and provided a cure through a renewed understanding of God's purposes for the local church as indicated in the Great Commission.
Chapter 3 aimed to improve sermon application in expository preaching. This chapter revealed the necessity of application in expository preaching and offered solutions for improvement.
Chapter 4 outlined the sermons used in the project, described the various surveys and feedback groups, and presented the project's schedule.
Chapter 5 offered an analysis of the project's goals, data, survey results, strengths and weaknesses, things done differently, and theological and personal reflections. This project contends that church members are more committed to the biblical purposes of the church after hearing them preached through expository sermons.