Examining a Church Culture of Multiplication: A Multiple Case Study
The project explores the elements of organizational culture present in local multiplying churches. The project aims to highlight relevant assumptions and resulting paradigms common among these churches. Chapter 1 presents the purpose, definitions, assumptions, rationale, research problem, hypotheses and methodology of the project.
Chapter 2 proposes structural and theological frameworks for investigating a set of presuppositions that contribute to local church culture. The theological framework applies the theological content to the structural framework. This chapter provides a biblical model for cultural elements in the local multiplying church.
Chapter 3 explains the research methodology utilized in this project. The chapter discusses the project population, the context of the sample churches, data collection procedures, data analysis procedures, and the limits of the generalizations gleaned from the case studies.
Chapter 4 discusses the results of the case studies. For each case, the chapter highlights the consistency between the research and the theological framework proposed in Chapter 2.
Chapter 5 presents the findings of a cross-case analysis. This chapter explores common and significant theme families that emerged during the research, as well as other notable themes. This chapter also denotes research implications, research applications, opportunities for further research, and a brief conclusion.