Teaching the Bible's Storyline at Grace Bible Church, Midlothian, Virginia
This project taught the Bible's redemptive-historical storyline to members of an adult discipleship class at Grace Bible Church in Midlothian, Virginia. The first chapter presents the purpose, goals, and rationale for this project. Chapter 2 argues that the Scripture's main storyline traces the promise of redemption to its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Chapter 3 contends that an outline of the Bible's storyline structured by the major biblical covenants (i.e., Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, and New) better maintains the tension of continuity and discontinuity found within the Bible than do the outlines offered by traditional, Dispensational and Covenant theologians. The fourth chapter recounts the events and procedures from each week of the fifteen-week project. Chapter 5 analyzes the entire project by evaluating the attainment of purpose and goals and by extending theological and personal reflections. The analysis documents that the project's purpose was accomplished and all the projects goals were attained.