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dc.contributor.advisorParker, Shane W.
dc.contributor.authorBarton, Robert
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT LEADING THE WESTSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, TO EMBRACE A COMPREHENSIVE MISSION STRATEGY Robert Morris Barton, D.Ed.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2014 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Shane W. Parker This project lays out a comprehensive mission strategy for a local church with an emphasis on the student ministry's part in that strategy. Chapter 1 gives the context of the local church that was engaged in the project, along with the missional rationale for the project and the methodology used to complete the project. Chapter 2 traces the history of the mission of God through six scriptural texts beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation. Chapter 3 connects the local church, and particularly the student ministry to current mission trends and opportunities worldwide. Chapter 4 details how the plan was implemented in the church. Chapter 5 details strengths and weaknesses of the project, recommendations for further usefulness, and personal and theological reflections on the project.en_US
dc.subject.lcshChurch work with studentsen-us
dc.titleLeading the Westside Baptist Church of Jacksonville Florida to Embrace a Comprehensive Missions Strategyen_US
dc.typeElectronic projecten_US

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