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dc.contributor.advisorWalters, Jeffrey K.
dc.contributor.authorHarris, Timothy Jesse
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT IMPLEMENTING A PROGRAM OF MENTOR BASED PERSONAL EVANGELISM TRAINING AT HILLSDALE BAPTIST CHURCH LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Timothy Jesse Harris, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2014 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Jeff K. Walters The project seeks to design and implement a mentor based program for training Christians to share their faith. Chapter 1 presents the purpose, goals, context, rationale, definitions, and limitations of the project. Chapter 2 establishes the biblical mandate for evangelism through the exegesis of Matthew 28:18-20 and Matthew 4:19. The chapter also establishes a biblical precedent for mentor based Christian training as seen in the lives of Moses and Joshua, Jesus and His disciples, Paul and Timothy, and in the Apostle Paul's command in Philippians 3:17. Chapter 3 surveys the field of mentoring and presents a model for Christian mentoring relationships. This chapter also examines and evaluates three popular mentor based evangelism training programs. Chapter 4 explains the creation and implementation of the Fishers of Men evangelism training program. A description of the process includes recruitment of participants, twelve training sessions and a training curriculum. Chapter 5 provides an evaluation of the project goals, along with modifications that could be made to strengthen the project for future use. This project asserts that mentor based evangelism training is the most biblical model.en_US
dc.subject.lcshMentoring in church worken-us
dc.subject.lcshWitness bearing (Christianity)en-us
dc.titleImplementing a Program of Mentor Based Personal Evangelism Training at Hillsdale Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentuckyen_US
dc.typeElectronic projecten_US

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