Preparing and Transitioning a Multi-Site Campus to a Local Church at The Village Church in Denton, Texas
The purpose of this project was to create a transition model to serve the elders of The Village Church, particularly its campus pastors, as they prepare and lead their multi-site campuses to become local churches. The project focuses on how a campus pastor can prepare himself, the leadership, and the membership at a multisite campus to be a local church. Chapter 1 outlines the two goals compelling the project. The chapter also describes the history and context of The Village Church, including my personal background. The chapter concludes by clarifying the rationale for the project and providing key definitions, limitations, delimitations, and methodological approach for it.
Chapter 2 provides a framework for how a campus pastor can ready himself for a campus transition. Beginning with a theological survey of Timothy’s pastoral development, this chapter focuses on the pastoral competencies a campus pastor must develop to become a lead pastor and to lead the campus into a transition.
Chapter 3 outlines how a campus pastor can prioritize his energy and time toward preparing other pastoral leaders to help him care for the campus. Rooted in the ministry pattern established by the apostle Paul and handed off to Titus, this chapter focuses on the priority that leadership development must take in the ministry of a campus pastor in order for a campus to be healthy and ready to transition to a local church. It provides a theological foundation and model for campus pastors who want to structure their ministry for the sake of ongoing development of pastoral leaders.
Chapter 4 describes how a campus pastor can lead the other pastoral leaders into the work of shepherding the congregation toward the spiritual health and maturity necessary for a campus transition. Informed by the apostle Paul’s instruction about the gift and goal of pastoral leadership, this chapter outlines a pattern for how the pastoral leaders at a campus, led by the campus pastor, can prepare the membership for a campus transition by shepherding them toward spiritual maturity.
Chapter 5 provides a narrative of leading the Denton campus of The Village Church from its affirmative vote on the campus transition vision to its formal establishment as a new local church, The Village Church Denton. It highlights lessons learned over the course of the transition that might serve the campus pastors and other elders of The Village Church in the future as they seek to transition additional campuses.