Designing and Implementing a Seminar for Training Shepherd Leaders at Northfield Baptist Church, Northfield, Ohio
Christian leadershipLeadership--Religious aspects-Christianity
Laity--Training of
Pastoral theology
The purpose of the project was to design a training program for developing shepherd leaders in the local church. Chapter 1 presents the purpose, goals, context, rationale, definitions, and limitations of the project. Chapter 2 explores the biblical and theological foundations for shepherd leadership. The chapter specifically looks at the shepherding heart of God and the shepherd identity of those who lead God’s people in both the Old and New Testaments. The need and responsibility for developing shepherding leaders is examined in the Pastoral Epistles. Chapter 3 offers a five-fold description of shepherd leaders: they are relational leaders, providers, protectors, guides, and spiritual leaders. Chapter 4 details the design and implementation of the eight-week shepherd leadership training seminar at Northfield Baptist Church. Chapter 5 offers an evaluation of the project along with changes that would improve the effectiveness of the training program in the future. The premise of this project is that shepherding is the model for local church leaders and is therefore, the model that should be foundationally used in training leaders for the local church.