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dc.contributor.advisorFuller, Russell T.
dc.contributor.authorGray, Jason E.
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT TEACHING A CHRIST-CENTERED HERMENEUTIC OF OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TO THE MEMBERS OF REDEEMER CHURCH OF ABILENE, TEXAS Jason Eugene Gray, D.Min The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Russell T. Fuller The purpose of this project is to teach a Christ-centered hermeneutic of the Old Testament to the members of Redeemer Church of Abilene, Texas. Chapter 1 presents the purpose, goals, context, rationale, definitions, limitations, and research methodology of the project. Chapter 2 provides biblical and theological support for teaching a Christ-centered hermeneutic of the Old Testament by demonstrating from the preaching present in the Book of Acts that the disciples utilized this hermeneutic following the teachings of Jesus. Chapter 3 discusses theoretical support for teaching a Christ-centered hermeneutic of the Old Testament. Specifically, answers to arguments against a Christ-centered hermeneutic are addressed, and five methods of employing a Christ-centered hermeneutic are discussed. Chapter 4 describes the details of the actual ministry project, including a week-by-week synopsis of how the project was implemented. Chapter 5 offers an evaluation of the purpose and goals of the project, including what I would do differently, along with theological and personal reflections.en_US
dc.subject.lcshBible--Old Testament--Hermeneuticsen-us
dc.subject.lcshBible--New Testament--Relation to the Old Testamenten-us
dc.subject.lcshJesus Christ--History of doctrinesen-us
dc.titleTeaching a Christ-centered Hermeneutic of the Old Testament to the Members of Redeemer Church of Abilene, Texasen_US
dc.typeElectronic projecten_US

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