First Timothy: God's Plan For God's Church
All successful organizations need strong leadership coupled with sound structure in order to function efficiently and effectively. Whether it is a large corporation or a little league baseball team, a solid plan of operation is necessary for achieving optimal performance. The church likewise needs effective organization and leadership if it is going to survive and thrive. The church must have strong leaders who are committed to leading in a way that holds true to the values and principles set forth in Scripture. But the goal for the church is not higher profits or more wins, rather the goal is to operate in a way that advances the gospel by making it attractive to unbelievers. While there are different books in the Bible that provide guidance for the church, Paul’s first letter to Timothy is particularly helpful. In this letter, Paul provides timeless principles and standards of for church and its leaders.
The purpose of this project is to develop a better understanding of Paul’s view on how the church should be organized and led. I will be presenting a series of seven sermons that will utilize a biblical theological approach to explore Paul’s understanding of how proper leadership should direct the church in correct doctrine and conduct.