Training the Parents of Shady Oaks Baptist Church, Hurst, Texas, to Lead Family Worship
This project was designed to train the parents of Shady Oaks Baptist Church in Hurst, Texas, to lead family worship in their homes. The project included assessing the current level of family discipleship practices and perceptions to gain a preliminary understanding of the families that would be ministered to. The core of the project consisted of developing a family worship guide for parents to use during family worship as well as two, one-hour, training sessions with the parents during a pastoral visit.
Chapter 1 introduces the context of Shady Oaks Baptist Church, along with the rationale, purpose, goals, research methodologies, definitions, and delimitations of the project. Chapter 2 provides the biblical and theological basis for the need to train parents to lead family worship. Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Ephesians 6:1-4, and 2 Timothy 1:3-5 serve as the bedrock to this argument. Chapter 3 provides a historical and philosophical basis for utilizing pastoral visitation as the means of training parents in family worship. Noted pastors of today and the past are given as prime examples of this method. Chapter 4 details the assessment of parents, the development of the family worship guide, and the pastoral visitation that families received. Chapter 5 provides an overall evaluation of the project with suggestions for improvements if the project were to be repeated.