Equipping Parents of Covenant Fellowship Church of West Orange, New Jersey, to Be Faithful in the Discipleship of Their Children
Parenting--Religious aspects--ChristianityDiscipleship (Christianity)
Christian education of children
The purpose of this thesis project was to equip Christian parents who entrust their children to the educational ministry of Covenant Fellowship Church (CFC) of West Orange, New Jersey, to be more faithful and intentional concerning the discipleship of their children.
The project included administering a pre- and post-series survey that measured parents’ growth in understanding and practice of family discipleship. A five-week curriculum was developed to promote this understanding and practice. Chapter 1 introduces the ministry milieu of Covenant Fellowship Church, along with the rationale, purpose, goals, research methodologies, definitions, delimitations, and limitations of the project. Chapter 2 provides the biblical basis for parents to disciple their children. Key Scriptures that were treated include Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Psalm 78:1-8; Ephesians 5:22-32; and Ephesians 6:1-4. Chapter 3 addresses the relationship of husband and wife and the necessity that both embrace their God-ordained roles so that the relationship of Christ and the church can be faithfully illustrated. It also discusses the particulars of a well-ordered family worship time. The chapter ends by probing the church’s role and best practices for promoting family discipleship. Chapter 4 describes the preparation and delivery of lessons taught to parents, along with what surveys and interviews revealed about the efficacy of the lessons. Chapter 5 concludes with an evaluation of the purpose and goals of the project, along with interpretation of the results of surveys and interviews. Strengths and weaknesses of the project are examined, along with suggestions for improvement.