Increasing Knowledge in New Believers and Youth at Dayton Korean Grace Church in Dayton, Ohio, Using a Catechism Curriculum Based on the Apostles' Creed
D.Ed.Min., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2020
This project is designed to provide introductory theological education for members of Dayton Korean Grace Church to address a perceived lack of foundational doctrinal teaching. Chapter 1 provides the introduction and the rationale for the project. Chapter 2 provides the biblical foundations for catechesis through the books of Matthew and Luke. The main idea behind this unit is that Jesus commanded his disciples to make disciples and the way they make disciples is by baptizing and teaching. Once Jesus ascended the disciples began carrying out this commission, as seen in the book of Acts, by baptizing and teaching. Catechesis is one aspect of the disciple-making process. Chapter 3 provides support for using the Apostles’ Creed for the purpose of this course by exploring the Apostles’ Creed in relation to foundational doctrine. With the Apostles’ Creed established as the basis for historical orthodoxy, it is used as the foundation for this teaching curriculum. When the course is completed, the students should have a general knowledge of basic Bible doctrine. Chapter 4 describes the design and implementation of the project. The project was conducted in twelves sessions based on the twelve traditional statements of the Apostles’ Creed. Chapter 5 evaluates the project and suggests further areas for research.