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dc.contributor.advisorVickers, Brian J.
dc.contributor.authorJessie, Blake
dc.descriptionDMin. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2020en_US
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT EQUIPPING MEN IN CHRIST-CENTERED EXPOSITORY PREACHING IN THE RUSSELL CREEK ASSOCIATION OF KENTUCKY BAPTISTS IN GREENSBURG, KENTUCKY Blake Hill Jessie, DMin The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2020 Faculty Supervisor: Brian J. Vickers This project seeks to equip members of the Russell Creek Association of Kentucky Baptists (RCAKB) in Greensburg, Kentucky to preach Christ-centered expository sermons. Chapter 1 presents the history and ministry context of the RCAKB and the goals of this project. Chapter 2 provides exegesis of four passages of Scripture (Luke 24:25-27; Acts 2:14-41; 8:26-40; 13:16-52) to demonstrate that expository preaching must be Christ-centered. Chapter 3 interacts with the key components of Christ-centered preaching. Chapter 4 details the project, highlighting the content and implementation strategy of the specific course curriculum. Chapter 5 evaluates the fruitfulness of the project in light of the completed goals. The central tenet of this project is to equip pastors to preach Christ-centered expository sermons to bring glory to God.en_US
dc.subject.lcshExpository preaching--Biblical teachingen-us
dc.subject.lcshExpository preaching--Study and teachingen-us
dc.titleEquipping Men in Christ-Centered Expository Preaching in the Russell Creek Association of Kentucky Baptists in Greensburg, Kentuckyen_US
dc.typeElectronic projecten_US
dc.publisher.institutionSouthern Baptist Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.publisher.departmentSchool of Theology

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