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dc.contributor.advisorPayne, J. D.
dc.contributor.authorWright, James Henry
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT DEVELOPING A STRATEGY FOR RELATIONAL EVANGELISM THROUGH PASTORAL CARE AT WESTERN BAPTIST HOSPITAL, PADUCAH, KENTUCKY James Henry Wright, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. J. D. Payne Chapter 1 introduces the project, states its purpose, and defines the project's specific goals. Attention was given to explaining the parameters in which the project was conducted, outlining the community that impacted the study, and establishing the project's rationale. A closing section deals with definitions and delimitations, concluding with brief initial observations regarding the project's enduring value. Chapter 2 outlines the biblical and theological basis for ministry to the sick and dying as established from selected references from the Old and the New Testaments. This section provides an overview of the imperative for Christian believers to be personally involved in sharing the gospel of Jesus with persons who are at the end days of life and also with their families. The chapter concludes by establishing the importance of God's calling in the lives of pastoral ministers and chaplains to preach the gospel in the context of the sick and dying. Chapter 3 provides a study of important sociological and psychological aspects of ministry to the terminally ill patient. The first section outlines the issues surround the act of dying including stages of grief. The second section of the chapter outlines the ways that chaplains and ministers reach out to the patient and his or her family. The conclusion of this chapter explains a specific strategy sharing the gospel to the dying. Chapter 4 details the development and implementation of the project from its inception through its culmination. In the first section an explanation of the preliminary assessment necessary for the establishment of the project is provided. In second section, the attention is given to the development of specific training sessions for training local area pastors and chaplains in ministry to the terminally ill. The final section is a record of the manner in which the project was implemented in the community. A measure of performance is provided by testing instruments implemented in two classroom sessions. Chapter 5 begins with an evaluation of the project's impact as evidenced by the testing instruments. Second, the strengths and weaknesses, both inherent in the project are outlined. The conclusion brings to light the impact of this project on my own life and what I believe can be its eternal impact in the lives of ministers of the gospel who are passionate about ministry to the sick and dying.en_US
dc.titleDeveloping A Strategy For Relational Evangelism Through Pastoral Care At Western Baptist Hospital, Paducah, Kentuckyen_US
dc.typeElectronic projecten_US
dc.contributor.committeeGreenway, Adam W.
dc.publisher.institutionSouthern Baptist Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.publisher.departmentSchool of Missions and Evangelism

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