Developing Ministry Teams to foster Church Unity at Broadway Baptist Church, Lexington, Kentucky.
Today’s world is surrounded by conflict of different kinds. Most conflicts, if not resolved, cause divisions amongst brothers and sisters, neighbors and colleagues, and even tribes against each other. The Christian church and family, such as Broadway Baptist Church are not immune to this “conflict” epidemic that causes disunity and separation amongst its members. This project seeks to resolve the problem of disunity at Broadway Baptist Church by developing ministry teams in the Young Married Adult ministry to foster unity in the church through selected activities. Chapter 1 gives a summary of the project, emphasizing the purpose, goals, and methodology used to execute the project. Chapter 2 presents the biblical and theological basis for the project, while chapter 3 presents the theoretical/practical/historical basis related to the project. Chapter 4 gives a detailed description of the project, and lastly, chapter 5 presents an evaluation of the project.