Transforming Mission Culture In Church Revitalization: A Mixed Methods Study
The North American church is on the edge of a precipice. The majority of churches are in need of revitalization. As churches turn inward and focus on their own personal preference, needs, and spiritual growth the church loses sight of their partnership and fellowship in the missio Dei. How can individual church leaders turn their congregants toward outward ministry and reignite their connection with the missio Dei in a way that grows individual believers and revitalizes the local church? The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mission culture and church revitalization. Phase 1 of the study identified growing, declining and plateaued churches. In phase 2, churches that met the criteria for revitalization were invited to participate in a survey related to their experiences. In phase 3, select churches that identified mission culture as a significant influence on their revitalization participated in interviews. The study identified key factors on how the revitalized churches transformed mission culture in their church. The study also identified implications for church leaders and churches. Finally, research applications are discussed for church leaders and churches desiring revitalization.