Foundations for Marriage for Members of Oasis of Peace Global Church Manitoba, Canada
This project aims to empower members of the Oasis of Peace Global Church Manitoba in Canada to build the foundation for their marriage. Chapter 1 provides the historical and ministerial context for Oasis of Peace Global Church Canada and the objectives of this project. Chapter 2 exegetes four Scripture passages: Genesis 2:24-25 supports this thesis by showing that God instituted marriage and established the foundations and principles for a loving and enduring marriage. The exegesis of Ephesians 5:21-33 supports this argument by carefully distinguishing the roles of men and women in marriage. An exegesis of I Peter 3:1-7 supports this thesis by defining the level of authority in marriage. An exegesis of Malachi 2:14 supports this theory by asserting that marriage is a covenant relationship.
Chapter 3 describes practical and historical issues with marriage. Chapter 4 describes the implantation of the project, the content, and the teaching methodology of the specific course curriculum. Chapter 5 evaluates the project’s purpose and goals. It also assesses the project’s strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for future implementation.