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dc.contributor.advisorBlount, Douglas K.
dc.contributor.authorBledsoe, Donald Raymond
dc.description.abstractSecular science seeks to use a group of feathered dinosaurs known as dromaeosaurs as proof of the evolution of birds. Species evolution is not true and feathered dromaeosaurs are misclassified as dinosaurs when they are in fact neither birds nor dinosaurs but a separate animal group as first created by God. This misclassified group of animals includes velociraptor, dromaeosaurus, microraptor, and others. Theropod dinosaurs include allosaurs, ceratosaurs, and other carnivorous dinosaurs; those animals are indeed dinosaurs. While some evidence suggests that members of the smaller tyrannosaurids bore feathers, the larger ones such as T-Rex and Albertasaurus have never been found with any integument. They have shared characteristics with the smaller dromaeosaurs but the differences are enough to warrant a separation of the groups. It is acceptable from a creationist standpoint for dromaeosaurs to have feathers and not be bird-related for God created a wide diversity of animals that share characteristics without being closely related to each other.en_US
dc.subject.lcshReligion and scienceen_US
dc.titleThe Refutation of Bird Evolution by a Study of Feathered Dromaeosaurs as a Created Kinden_US
dc.typeElectronic thesisen_US
dc.publisher.institutionSouthern Baptist Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.publisher.departmentSchool of Missions and Evangelism

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