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dc.contributor.advisorPlummer, Robert L.
dc.contributor.authorWetherell, Warren Bradley
dc.description.abstractThis Doctor of Ministry project was developed to teach the doctrine of union with Christ at The Orchard in Arlington Heights, Illinois. This was achieved through an analysis of the church’s understanding of union with Christ, the development of a six-week sermon series as well as a six-week Life Group curriculum, and the measurement of participants growth in knowledge. Chapter 1 explores the ministry context of The Orchard, as well as the rationale, purpose, research methodology, and the definitions/delimitations of the project. Chapter 2 gives the biblical and theological basis for the project, explaining a crucial passage on union with Christ: Romans 5:12–6:23. Chapter 3 gives historical and homiletical support for the project, exploring the preaching of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Romans 5:12–6:23. Chapter 4 provides a description of the preparation and implementation of the project, as well as an overview of the project’s content. Finally, chapter 5 evaluates the project and includes theological and personal reflection.en_US
dc.subject.lcshJesus Christ--Person and officesen_US
dc.subject.lcshMystical unionen_US
dc.titleTeaching the Doctrine of Union with Christ at The Orchard in Arlington Heights, Illinoisen_US
dc.typeElectronic projecten_US
dc.contributor.committeeClark, Dean C.
dc.publisher.institutionSouthern Baptist Theological Seminaryen_US
dc.publisher.departmentSchool of Theology

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