Browsing Dissertations, Theses, and Projects by Title
Now showing items 1372-1391 of 1759
Remnant and restoration as a paradigm of Matthew's theology of Israel
(2004-05)This dissertation shows that Matthew's theology of Israel is based upon the conviction that God will restore the nation of Israel through the preservation of a faithful remnant. Chapter 1 states the purpose for this study, ... -
Resilience Theory and Christian Formation: A Mixed Methods Study
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2019-11-28)This study explored the unexamined relationship between resilience and Christian formation in first-year college students. The study took place at Boyce College in Louisville, Kentucky. A convergent design was used to ... -
Resourcing Members of Highlands Community Church, Renton, Washington, to Minister to Bereaved Parents
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2019-11-20)Jesse Austin Campbell, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2019 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Michael E. Pohlman The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only meaningful hope to be offered parents bereaved by ... -
Responses to the Messianic Claim: Characterization as Rhetorical Device in the Gospel of Matthew
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2023-05-10)While the Gospel of Matthew has long been recognized as having a distinctly “Jewish” orientation, the decades following World War II witnessed a growing interest among scholars asking whether Matthew could be regarded as ... -
Rest in Christ: A Biblical Theology for Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Sandy Springs, GA
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2020-05)God’s rest is an eschatological state established archetypically at creation and fulfilled in Jesus Christ. The rest theme introduced in Genesis 2:2–3 lays the foundation for the fourth commandment—but not in the sense ... -
The restoration theme in the Book of Revelation: From creation to new creation
(2003-05-06)This dissertation demonstrates that the restoration theme is the large theological framework for interpreting Revelation with intertextual connections with Genesis as well as other OT books and intertestamental literature. ... -
Restoring Active Spiritual Oversight to the Elders of Anchorage Grace Church, Anchorage, Alaska
(2013-05-30)This project was designed to help the elders of Anchorage Grace Church regain active spiritual oversight of Grace Christian School through doctrinal accountability and direct spiritual leadership. Chapter 1 gives the ... -
Restoring Confidence in the Sufficiency of the Scriptures for the Soul Care of God’s People in Selected Southern Baptist Churches in Shawnee, Oklahoma
Resurrection Hope in Daniel 12:2: An Exercise in Biblical Theology
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013-12-31)This dissertation argues that Daniel relied on earlier Old Testament texts and theological convictions when he expressed the hope of bodily resurrection, and his expression informed and shaped subsequent nonbiblical and ... -
Resurrection vs. hallucination: An argument for the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus in terms of probabilistic analysis
(2009-10-09)The purpose of the dissertation is to defend the historicity of Jesus' resurrection in probabilistic way, competing with Gerd Lüdemann's hallucination hypothesis concerning Jesus' postmortem appearances Chapter 1 points ... -
The Retributive Justice of God
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012-12-14)The primary task of this dissertation is to demonstrate from the Old and New Testaments that given the creation and fall of man, the moral character of God will necessarily express itself in retributive justice so that God ... -
Retrieving a Theology and Methodology for Community in the Local Church from Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Life Together
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2018-03-27)In his book Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer showed that Christian community is created and maintained in Christ through the ordinary means of grace and spiritual disciplines. Chapter 1 surveys the prominent literature ... -
Revelational Foundationalism: A Constructive Synthesis of the Epistemologies of Cornelius Van Til and Alvin Plantinga
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2022-04-25)Cornelius Van Til and Alvin Plantinga are titans in the arena of Christian philosophy. They both come from Dutch Reformed Calvinist traditions and studied under William Jellema at Calvin College. Yet, their approaches to ... -
Revising evangelical theological method in the postmodern context: Stanley J. Grenz and Kevin J. Vanhoozer as test cases
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2003-11-13)This dissertation examines the theological diversity that is currently developing within North American evangelicalism due to the growing influence of postmodernism and the resulting postconservative shift in evangelical ... -
Revising the Pastoral Theology Program at Shepherds Theological Seminary in Cary, North Carolina
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Ministries, 2023-02-28)This project sought to revise the Pastoral Theology program at Shepherds Theological Seminary in Cary, North Carolina. Chapter 1 presents the history and ministry context of Shepherds Theological Seminary and the goals of ... -
Revitalizing and Changing Culture at North Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona
(2018-09-28)ABSTRACT REVITALIZING AND CHANGING CULTURE AT NORTH BAPTIST CHURCH IN PHOENIX, ARIZONA Oscar Noe Garcia, D.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Shane W. Parker North ... -
Revitalizing Discipleship at East Hickman Baptist Church in Lyles, Tennessee, Through Small Groups
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2021-11-23)Jesus gave His church the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:18-20). The early church modeled what a healthy and obedient church should look like. They devoted themselves to prayer, fellowship, ... -
Revitalizing Evangelism Through Apologetics Training at Forestpark Community Church in Louisville, Kentucky
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2021-10-22)The purpose of this project was to effectively educate members of Forestpark Community Church in apologetics-based evangelism to better serve the kingdom through active outreach in Louisville, Kentucky. Chapter 1 details ... -
A Rhetorical Analysis of the Preaching of Asahel Nettleton in The Second Great Awakening
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017-05-31)ABSTRACT A RHETORICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PREACHING OF ASAHEL NETTLETON IN THE SECOND GREAT AWAKENING Terry Allen Leap, II, PhD. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017 Chairperson: Dr. Timothy K. ... -
A Rhetoriographical Analysis of Argumentum ad Baculum in the Published Sermons of George Whitefield
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2010-05)This dissertation examines the use of argumentum ad baculum in preaching in general and the sermons of George Whitefield in particular. Argumentum ad baculum has traditionally been considered an informal fallacy of ...