These are the Words of Eusebius: A Translation and Analysis of the Colophon at the End of Fourth Kingdoms in BnF syr. 27
Eusebius PamphilusBible. Kings, 2nd. Syriac. Syrohexapla
Pseudo-Athanasius. Synopsis scripturae sacrae
Epiphanius, Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus, approximately 310-403
Over three chapters, this thesis studies the colophon at the end of Fourth Kingdoms in BnF Syr. 27, which is divided into several main sections. Chapter 1 provides a transcription of the colophon, analysis of the main paratextual features, and a
first-time translation into English. Chapter 2 compares the first main section of the
colophon with a similar extant text from Origen, noting that no known extant text matches the material in the colophon. Then, it compares the second major section with Pseudo-Athanasius’s Synopsis Scripturae Sacrae and, to some extent, Epiphanius’s On Weights and Measure, noting where the colophon relies on and is different from these texts. In Chapter 3 the third major section is especially compared with Epiphanius’s On Weights and Measures as it is contained in BL Add. 17148 to demonstrate BnF syr. 27’s reliance upon this text.