Equipping Disciple-Makers at Rocky Bayou Baptist Church in Niceville, Florida
This project seeks to raise up and equip disciple-makers at Rocky Bayou Baptist Church by teaching a ten-week discipleship training course entitled “Every Disciple a Disciple-Maker.” Chapter 1 examines the context and rationale behind the project and defines its purpose and goals. Chapter 2 exegetes Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Psalm 96:1-10, Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 4:11-6, and 2 Timothy 2:1-3, presenting biblical and theological reasons for why every disciple of Jesus must be a disciple-maker. Chapter 3 discusses what it will take for more members of RBBC to become disciple-makers. It considers the motivation of God’s glory, the task of following Jesus together in authentic relationships, and the potential cost of persecution. Chapter 4 describes the details of the project to raise up and equip more disciple-makers at RBBC. Chapter 5 evaluates the project’s purpose and goals, assesses its strengths and weaknesses, and concludes with theological and personal reflections.