Equipping Students at Kentucky Christian University in Grayson, Kentucky, Who Desire to Serve in the Music Ministry
This project aimed to equip students at Kentucky Christian University to serve in the music ministry. Chapter 1 supports those wanting to serve in the music ministry by presenting the history, context, and goals of the ministry. Chapter 2 argues for equipping those interested in music ministry attending Kentucky Christian University by presenting an exegesis of Scripture (Ps 33:1-3; Matt 26:30; Col 3:16; Rev 5:8-10). Chapter 3 describes the execution of training to teach music leaders for worship. In summary, chapters 2 and 3 are a plan to equip those who desire to serve in the music ministry. Chapter 4 is a timetable and data for the execution of this project. Chapter 5 is the final evaluation of the project. This project equipped those interested in the music ministry to be as excellent as possible in musicality and leading worship through music and Scripture.