Training the Congregation of First Baptist Church of Ray City in Ray City, Georgia, for Spirit-Reliant Evangelism
The purpose of this project is to train the congregation of First Baptist Church Ray City in Ray City, Georgia, for Spirit-reliant evangelism by combining a Sunday School curriculum designed to increase the congregants’ understanding of the Holy Spirit and his empowering presence for evangelism with a sermon series, taught alongside the curriculum that will equip FBC Ray City members to depend upon the Holy Spirit for evangelism. Chapter 1 argues the need to train church members to rely upon the Spirit in evangelism. The chapter outlines the context of First Baptist Church of Ray City in Ray City, Georgia, and the reasons for this type of training. It explains the project’s purpose, goals, methodology, key definitions, limitations, and delimitations specific to the project. Chapter 2 argues from a biblical and theological perspective that the church must see that God empowers his people through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who teaches and guides them in all truth and equips them with various gifts, to proclaim the gospel and advance his kingdom here on earth through their reliance upon him. Chapter 3 argues that throughout church history, the church has been evangelistically at its greatest when it has emphasized Spirit-reliance as the power to see the lost saved. Chapter 4 outlines the implementation of the project. Chapter 5 is an evaluation of the project, looking at its strengths and weaknesses. This project guided FBC Ray City’s membership to rely on the Holy Spirit as they strive to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world.