Training Believers in the Doctrine of Scripture at Madison Ave Baptist Church, Goldsboro, North Carolina
Biblical Studies
This project was developed with the purpose and goal of increasing the understanding of the doctrine of Scripture to strengthen confidence in biblical authority at Madison Ave Baptist Church. As part of the teaching process, a six-week curriculum will be developed, reviewed by an expert panel, implemented, and then studied for effectiveness. Chapter 1 deals with the ministry context, the rationale for the project, purpose and goals, method of research as well as delimitations and limitations. Chapter 2 argues for the trustworthiness, necessity, and sufficiency of Scripture. All these components are essential for a foundational and robust view of the doctrine of Scripture. Chapter 3 argues that historic Christianity has always held a high view of Scripture even though during the twentieth century a low view of the Bible became popular. Additionally, this chapter presents recent theological and hermeneutical methods to recover this high view of Scripture. Chapter 4 will detail the six-week teaching sessions and implementation. Chapter 5 contains an overall evaluation of the project’s effectiveness, as well as reflections for further improvement.