Equipping Small Group Leaders of Laurelglen Bible Church in Bakersfield, California, to Know and Defend Six Foundational Christian Doctrines
The purpose of this ministry project was to train small group leaders of Laurelglen Bible Church in Bakersfield, California, in six of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. Chapter 1 is the introduction, which explains the ministry context of Laurelglen Bible Church, rationale, and purpose, as well as the research methodology and definitions and limitations of this project. Chapter 2 explains the biblical and theological basis for the doctrines of inerrancy, the Trinity, the deity of Christ, penal substitutionary atonement, Christ’s resurrection, and justification by faith. Chapter 3 explains significant theoretical, practical, and historical issues related to this project. Chapter 4 gives the details and description of the ministry project including its preparation, implementation, and content overview. Chapter 5 evaluates the project’s purpose, goals, strengths, weaknesses, theological reflections, and personal reflections.