Increasing Understanding of Systematic Theology at Faith Baptist Church of Folsom, California
The purpose of this project was to increase the theological understanding of the people of Faith Baptist Church of Folsom, California. Chapter 1 provided the ministry context, the impetus for the project, and a summary of the research methodology employed. Chapter 2 demonstrated the theological justification for the project from three key passages: 1 Timothy 3:15–16, Ephesians 4:11–16, and Titus 1:9. Chapter 3 surveyed the Christology of early church creeds in order to provide the historical background and in preparation for a systematic theology class on Christology. Chapter 4 reviewed the steps taken to create and implement the curriculum, and provided an overview of the curriculum’s content. Chapter 5 offered an assessment of the project and summarized learnings garnered from the pre- and post-class surveys.