Training Affiliate Churches and Institutions of the Dominican Republic Baptist Convention to Participate in Global Missions
This ministry project was designed for the Dominican Republic Baptist Convention (CBD) to increase the global missions knowledge of their affiliates in global missions. This project develops a Great Commission Initiative Curriculum for the CBD to provide affiliate churches and institutions with a comprehensive theology of missions and a practical plan for missions engagement. Chapter 1 explains the project’s context, rationale, purpose, goals, and methodology. Chapter 2 demonstrates the biblical and theological foundation of global missions through the exegesis of Genesis 1:26–28, Isaiah 49:6, Ephesians 1:3–14 and Matthew 28:18–20. Chapter 3 shows that while global missions experienced a historic shift in the modern era, both the history of missions and a proper understanding of missions theory and practice support the necessity of a prioritistic missions methodology. Chapter 4 details the development and implementation of the ministry project. Chapter 5 evaluates the ministry project’s results and areas that could be improved for future implementation. In sum, this project provides CBD members with a comprehensive theology of missions and a practical plan for global missions engagement.