dc.description.abstract | This dissertation is an analysis of yoga’s most foundational scriptures: the Patanjali Yoga Sūtras (PYS) and the Bhagavad Gītā (BG) in their original Sanskrit. My thesis is that these yogic scriptures contradict sound, biblical teaching. The significance of this thesis is that, insofar as a yoga practice adheres to its own scriptures, that practice is impermissible for Christians. The existing literature asserting yoga’s impermissibility for Christians lacks original-language analysis of yoga’s scriptures, the primary sources in question. Therefore, my dissertation provides much-needed, primary-source substantiation for the assertion that yoga contradicts Christianity. The argument I advance throughout the dissertation runs as follows: (1) PYS and BG are yoga’s most foundational scriptures, and (2) these scriptures contradict the Bible, (3) therefore, yoga’s most foundational scriptures contradict the Bible, so yoga practices adhering to these scriptures are consequently impermissible for Christians.
In chapter 1, I establish that PYS and BG are the most foundational scriptural bases for yoga and are therefore the appropriate primary sources for determining what yoga says on matters germane to a comparison with Christianity. In chapter 2, I examine the existing literature on yoga’s permissibility for Christians, showing that, while several voices have asserted that yoga contradicts Christianity, none have demonstrated where and how yoga’s scriptures contradict the Bible. In chapter 3, I analyze certain thematically arranged portions of PYS in their original Sanskrit and then show how the scripture’s teachings contradict the relevant biblical texts. In chapter 4, I use the same process for comparing BG with the Bible. In chapter 5, I summarize the ten key theological and soteriological points at which these two yogic scriptures contradict the Bible. In chapter 6, I explain that, because yogic scripture contradicts the Bible, Christians should not participate in scripturally genuine yoga practices—those that adhere to yoga’s primary sources. Finally, I offer practical guidance for assessing the genuineness and permissibility of individual yoga practices case by case while giving due consideration to the issue of cultural appropriation. | en_US |