Now showing items 1-13 of 13

    • Church Revitalization: Insights from the Ministry of the Apostle Paul 

      Conner, Brandon Edward (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012-05-23)
      Chapter 1 introduces the research topic by examining the current health of the American church. After establishing that the majority of American churches today are indeed unhealthy, a case is made for the need to develop ...
    • A Critique of the Early Islamic Charge That Paul Corrupted Christ’s Original Religion 

      Folks, Shane Orin (The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2024-05)
      This dissertation is a critique of the early Islamic charge that Paul corrupted Christ’s original religion with doctrines and practices that Jesus did not promote. Muslim writers in the first six centuries of Islam claimed ...
    • Justification One Hundred Years After Paul 

      Arnold, Brian John (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013-12-31)
      This dissertation seeks to answer the following question: how did the doctrine of justification fare one hundred years after Paul's death (c. AD 165)? The thesis argued is that Paul's view of justification by faith is ...
    • The Kingdom Agents or, the Twin Operations of Kingdom and Empire in the Trials of Jesus and Paul 

      Sullivan, Johnathan Edward (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2023-05-05)
      Both Luke and Acts end with a strikingly similar series of events: the protagonists of those books (Jesus and Paul, respectively) are called before Roman judicial tribunals who repeatedly find them innocent of any charges ...
    • Paul and Allegory: Galatians 4:21–31 Revisited 

      Ford, John Jarrett (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2022-11-11)
      Those engaged in modern hermeneutical debates have begun to look afresh at the apostles for guidance concerning how one should read the Bible. How did the apostles read, and do their methods match those used in modern ...
    • The Pauline Doctrine of Love 

      Culpepper, Robert (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1950)
    • Paul’s Culturally Contextualized Apologetic 

      Lee, Matthew Wonjoon (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2020-05)
      In this dissertation, I argue that Paul carried out culturally contextualized apologetics, presenting a model for culturally effective apologetics. I argue that Paul’s cultural contextualization in his apologetics takes ...
    • The Phenomenon of Social Presence in the Pauline Epistles and Its Implication for Practices of Online Education 

      Jackson, Christopher Dwight (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-03-31)
      Many theological institutions have adopted online educational formats. Proponents of online formats in theological education have typically given pragmatic justifications for the use of online formats while the most vocal ...
    • The Preaching of "the Gospel of God": Paul's Mission to the Nations in Romans 

      Sircar, Subhro Sekhar (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012-05-23)
      This research investigates the preaching of the gospel of God as Paul's mission to the nations in the letter to the Romans. Chapter 1, which explains the topic and its importance in the mission context, sets the stage for ...
    • Shared Leadership as Exemplified by the Apostle Paul 

      Atherton, Michael Kenneth (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-03-31)
      SHARED LEADERSHIP AS EXEMPLIFIED BY THE APOSTLE PAUL Michael Kenneth Atherton, Ed.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2014 Chair: Dr. Michael S. Wilder This thesis studies the presence and role of ...
    • “Under the Law”: The Significance of the Phrase in Paul’s Thought 

      Lim, Sung Eun (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018-01-02)
      Traditionally, Paul's phrase "under the law" has been interpreted as a reference to being under a legal/legalistic system of the law, being under the law as a guiding/restraining power, or being under the curse/condemnation ...
    • Was Paul Prooftexting? Paul's Use of the Old Testament as Illustrated through Three Debated Texts 

      Lucas, Richard James (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-03-31)
      Chapter 1 introduces the particular problem to be addressed and also the thesis of the dissertation as a potential answer to this problem. The three test case passages are briefly introduced as well as the rationale for ...
    • Working for the Glory of God: The Distinction Between Greed and Self-Interest in the Life and Letters of the Apostle Paul 

      Kotter, David Scott (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-06-18)
      This dissertation demonstrates that the Pauline corpus is sufficient to discern a distinction between self-interest and greed. The review of literature in chapter 1 reveals that definitions of greed often rely on such terms ...