Now showing items 201-220 of 1759

    • Christian Curricular Emphases and Academic Rigor: A Mixed Methods Study 

      Horner, Jeffrey Michael (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-12-23)
      This study explored the relationship between Christian curricular emphases and academic rigor among Christian secondary schools. It used convergent data transformation methods to analyze published curriculum descriptions ...
    • Christian Curriculum Emphases and Academic Rigor: A Mixed Methods Study 

      Horner, Jeffrey Michael (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2023-06-19)
      Chapter 1 of this study explores the relationship between Christian curricular emphases and academic rigor among Christian secondary schools. It uses convergent data transformation methods to analyze published curriculum ...
    • Christian Love and the Imitation of Christ in the Epistle to Diognetus: A Second-Century Example of Christian Discipleship 

      Mielke, Charles Theodore (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017-05-31)
    • Christian Piano Art Music: Its Theological Significance and Categorized Repertoire 

      Choi, Miya (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012-05-23)
      "Christian piano art music" is a small genre, each piece of which belongs seemingly to either Christian music or art music, but by definition to both of them. In spite of its merits this genre has been ignored both by the ...
    • Christian Response to HIV/AIDS: A Teaching Series for the Church in Zimbabwe 

      Mhlanga, Sabelo Sam (2017-01-03)
      ABSTRACT Christian response to HIV/AIDS: a teaching series for the church in zimbabwe Sabelo Sam Mhlanga, D.Ed.Min. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Danny R. Bowen This ...
    • A Christian response to postmodern elements in Japanese society 

      Watanabe, Akira (2002-12-19)
      This dissertation explores a Christian response to postmodern elements in Japanese society. Chapter 1 states the basic problems of postmodernism and shows the thesis that a Christian response to postmodern Japan is ...
    • Christian Self-Knowledge: A Christological Framework for Undermining Dissociation through Reconciliation 

      Badgett, Jonathan P. (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018-06-07)
      Self-knowledge unavoidably implicates and, in the end, it must presume correspondence. How, indeed, can a self even be posited in the absence of a corresponding other? While the triunity of God reveals a dialectic of unity ...
    • A Christian Worldview Apologetic Engagement with Advaita Vedanta Hinduism 

      Tilak, Pradeep (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013-12-30)
      This dissertation applies the principles of Worldview apologetics to engage Advaita Vedanta Hinduism with the biblical responses of Christianity. Chapter 1 introduces the biblical mandate for apologetics, reviewing the ...
    • Christianity at the Crossroads: William Louis Poteat and Liberal Religion in the Baptist South 

      Sanchez, Paul Anthony (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2020-05)
      William Louis Poteat played a leading role in spreading liberalism among Baptists in North Carolina and the South. He promoted a liberal vision for Christianity in an attempt to appeal to the cultured elites of the New ...
    • A Christocentric Interpretation of Hosea 1-3: An Application of Sidney Greidanus's Contemporary Hermeneutical Method 

      Saul, Ryan David (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2023-04-18)
      Many hermeneutical approaches have been utilized to interpret the Old Testament in light of Christ throughout church history. Sidney Greidanus, in his Preaching Christ from the Old Testament, has formulated a ...
    • The Christological Case for Compatibilism 

      Johnson, Randall (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2021-12-03)
      Classical Christology entails compatibilism. In other words, that freedom and moral responsibility are compatible with determinism is a necessary consequence of the teaching about Jesus Christ found in Scripture and affirmed ...
    • The Church as the New Covenant Community 

      Whipple, Harry W. (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Ministries, 2020-05)
      This project explores the new covenant community, identified by ἐκκλησία, and translated as church. Chapter 1 introduces the new covenant community which consist of all new covenant recipients. Chapter 2 surveys biblical ...
    • The Church as the New Israel in Romans 

      Sears, Philip Chase (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013-05-30)
      By following a biblical theological approach, this thesis demonstrates that a theology of the new Israel is woven throughout the book of Romans. Chapter 1 discusses introductory matters relating to the current debate on ...
    • Church Organizational Culture: Construct Definition and Instrument Development 

      Ward, Angela Joan (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011-12-14)
      The purpose of this research was to operationalize the construct, church organizational culture (COC), and to develop an instrument to measure the construct. In order to accomplish this goal, the researcher undertook a ...
    • Church Planting in New York City: A Case for a Global Cities Church Planting Strategy 

      Coe, Aaron (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012-12-14)
      This thesis looks at the missiological implications of church planting in global cities. Chapter 1 introduces the main argument for this thesis: that all evangelism strategies should hold church planting as the end goal ...
    • Church Revitalization and Evangelistic Emphasis: A Mixed Methods Study 

      Colyer, Aaron T. (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2019-04-30)
      The numbers are alarming. Seventy-four percent of churches within the SBC are in a state of decline or plateau. The church at large has a responsibility to reverse these trends and refuse to watch the evangelical church ...
    • Church Revitalization and the Role of Pastoral Leadership: A Mixed-Methods Study 

      Aiken, Christopher Michael (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2019-03-09)
      The church in North America is struggling. Among Southern Baptists, the nation’s second largest denomination, approximately 1,000 churches close their doors every year and thousands more drift closer to that point every ...
    • Church Revitalization: Insights from the Ministry of the Apostle Paul 

      Conner, Brandon Edward (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012-05-23)
      Chapter 1 introduces the research topic by examining the current health of the American church. After establishing that the majority of American churches today are indeed unhealthy, a case is made for the need to develop ...
    • Church Sponsored Service Through the Lens of Self Determination Theory: A Case Study 

      Cochran, George Willard (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013-05-30)
      Given the critical need to nudge congregants toward sustainable service, surprisingly few studies have explored the possibility of internalizing Christian beliefs and practices through intrinsically motivating ministry ...
    • Church Transition to Plurality of Elders: A Case Study 

      Remy, Joshua (Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Church Ministries, 2019-12-06)
      A desire among evangelical churches in denominations such as the Southern Baptist Convention to return to biblical forms of leadership have led a number of churches to examine what seems to many to be the biblical model ...