The Digital Repository of the James P. Boyce Centennial Library: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 6981
Equipping the Lay Leaders of Grass Lake Baptist Church in Grass Lake, Michigan, to Employ Biblical Hermeneutics
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)This project equipped the lay leaders of Grass Lake Baptist Church in Grass Lake, Michigan, to employ biblical hermeneutics. The first chapter discusses the context of Grass Lake Baptist Church, the purpose, rationale, ... -
Death Will Die: Finding Eternal Life from a Johannine Ars Moriendi
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)This thesis argues that Christians should develop an Ars Moriendi from the Johannine literature, which recenters death and dying with an eternal perspective, drawing on the beliefs and practices of the Christian tradition ... -
Training Members of First Baptist Church of Rockmart, Georgia, to Listen to a Sermon
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)This project sought to train members of First Baptist Church of Rockmart, Georgia, in sermon-listening based on principles of expository preaching. Chapter 1 explains the project’s ministry context, rationale, goals, and ... -
Equipping The Members of Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee with a Biblical Understanding of Gender and Sexuality
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)This project seeks to equip the members of Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee, with a biblical understanding of gender and sexuality so they may reach non-believers with the gospel. Chapter 1 explains the ... -
Developing a Marriage Mentorship Ministry at Lakewood Baptist Church in Pewaukee, Wisconsin
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2024-05)This project sought to equip members of Lakewood Baptist Church, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, for marriage mentorship ministry. Chapter 1 presents the history and background of Lakewood, the rationale for this project, and the ... -
Equipping Students at Kentucky Christian University in Grayson, Kentucky, Who Desire to Serve in the Music Ministry
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)This project aimed to equip students at Kentucky Christian University to serve in the music ministry. Chapter 1 supports those wanting to serve in the music ministry by presenting the history, context, and goals of the ... -
Prioritizing Preaching as a Primary Means of Encouraging Spiritual Growth Among the Body of Believers at LifeHouse Church in Townsend, Delaware
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)This project seeks to guide the LifeHouse Church congregation in Townsend, Delaware, towards a greater emphasis on preaching as a primary avenue for spiritual growth. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the ministry context ... -
Developing Self-care and Soul-care for Soldiers in Fort Cavazos, Texas
(The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2024-05)Chapter 1 provides the introduction to the project by explaining the issues facing soldiers and their family members. Soldiers and their family members are challenged to practice self-care but do not look at their soul, ... -
Equipping the Northwest Amazon Tukano Indigenous to Minister Cross-Culturally Through Redemptive Bible Storying
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)This project seeks to equip Tukano indigenous believers with the confidence and competency to minister cross-culturally with biblical knowledge, a theological framework, and the instruction necessary to develop and implement ... -
Teaching Covenant Church Membership at First Baptist Church Dalhart, TX
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)The purpose of this project is to teach covenant church membership at First Baptist Church in Dalhart, Texas. Chapter 1 described the context of FBCD and the project’s rationale. Four goals were set to guide the project’s ... -
Designing and Teaching a Pastoral Leadership Course for Students at Séminaire Baptiste Évangélique du Québec
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)This purpose of this project was to train developing leaders in pastoral leadership through the Séminaire Baptiste Évangélique du Québec. Chapter 1 explains the nature of the project. It provides a context, a rational, ... -
Equipping Parents to Be the Primary Disciple-Makers of Their Children at Hanmaeum Korean Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Ministries, 2024-05)This project’s purpose is to help the church equip the parents to be the primary disciple-makers of their children at Hanmaeum Korean Baptist Church (HKBC) in Louisville, Kentucky. Chapter 1 presents the history and ministry ... -
Training the Staff of Vineyard Life Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, in Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2024-05)Charles Duayne Fox, DEdMin The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2024 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. T. J. Betts This project was undertaken to equip the staff of Vineyard Life Church by increasing their ability to capably ... -
The Evolution of Homiletic Instruction at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary From John Broadus to Charles Gardner
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)This thesis describes the evolution of homiletic instruction at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary across the tenures of its first three preaching professors, John Broadus, Edwin Dargan, and Charles Gardner, and ... -
How Penal Substitution Addresses Our Shame: The Bible’s Shame Dynamics and Their Relationships to Evangelical Doctrine
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)Growing awareness of shame’s presence and problems in the West has drawn increasing levels of attention to the topic in Western scholarship. In the face of this attention on shame, theologians, missiologists, and counsellors ... -
“A Golden Mine Opened”: The Role of Christ-Centered Preaching in the Sermons of Benjamin Keach
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2024-05)This dissertation argues for the centrality of Christ-centered preaching in the sermons of Benjamin Keach through his Tropologia and Sin-Salvation methods. Chapter 1 introduces the thesis and Keach’s method. His Tropologia ... -
The Pastor as a Biblical Counselor and Equipper of Biblical Counselors within the Local Church
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Church Ministries, 2024-05)This dissertation examines the theological foundations of the Biblical Counseling Movement (BCM), focusing on the claim that “pastors should biblically counsel their congregants and equip them to do likewise.” Through a ... -
Missionary Sending and the Moravian Brethren
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2024-05)There is an increasing number of larger churches today taking back their New Testament responsibility of missionary sending from the agencies to which many had outsourced this task in the previous century. While this task ... -
The imago Dei, Transhumanism, and the Future Glory of Humanity: A Critical Interaction With Ray Kurzweil's Technological Singularity
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2024-05)In this dissertation, I argue that Ray Kurzweil’s transhumanist vision toward a merger between human biology and technology, generated out of a technological “Singularity,” will have revolutionary implications for humanity. ... -
A Critique of the Early Islamic Charge That Paul Corrupted Christ’s Original Religion
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2024-05)This dissertation is a critique of the early Islamic charge that Paul corrupted Christ’s original religion with doctrines and practices that Jesus did not promote. Muslim writers in the first six centuries of Islam claimed ...