Browsing Open Access Dissertations and Theses by Title
Now showing items 383-402 of 837
How the Discipline of Koinonia Strengthens the Church to Overcome the Rise of the Self as Promoted by Social Media
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2023-12)This thesis demonstrates the contrast between the negative effects of social media on a believer’s identity with the positive effects of biblical fellowship and how fellowship shapes the identity of the believer in Christ ... -
The Humiliation-Exaltation Motif in I Peter
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1961) -
Humor and truth: Towards a Christian theology of laughter
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2007-11-28)This thesis explores the relationship between theology and laughter. It adopts the Superiority theory, confirmed through biblical and theological analyses. Chapter 1 discusses recent theologies of humor and outlines the ... -
The hymnological contributions of Basil Manly, Jr. to the congregational song of Southern Baptists
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2004-07-29)This dissertation examines the contributions of Basil Manly Jr. to the congregational song of Southern Baptists. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the study, introduces the hymnals compiled by Basil Manly Jr., and identifies ... -
The Hymns of Anne Steele in John Rippon's Selection of Hymns: A Theological Analysis in the Context of the English Particular Baptist Revival
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012-12-14)This dissertation examines the hymns of Particular Baptist hymn-writer, Anne Steele, as found in John Rippon's hymnal, A Selection of Hymns, from the Best Authors, including a Great Number of Originals; Intended to be an ... -
I See Dead People: The Function of the Resurrection of the Saints in Matthew 27:51-54
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017-05-31)The grammar of the death-resurrection scene points forward toward a literary reading based on the compositional structure of the words themselves as well as their exact placement in the pericope. A literary reading of a ... -
Ichak Adizes's Organizational Theory Applied to the Classical Christian Education Movement: A Multiple Case Study
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2022-11-25)Using a multiple case study methodology, this research investigates the leadership contributions to school growth using the organizational theory of Ichak Adizes. By utilizing representative schools for each stage of school ... -
Identity and Agency in the Crisis at Antioch: A Comparative Study of Galatians 2:11–21 and Selected Second Temple Jewish Texts
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2021-11-23)This dissertation examines the mixed table-fellowship conflict between Paul and Peter at Antioch in Galatians 2:11–21 in light of the divine and human agency model. This project argues that Paul’s confrontation with Peter ... -
The Identity of the Spirit (rûªh) in Eliphaz’s Vision (Job 4:12-21) and Its Significance for Understanding the Book of Job
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2017-11-27)This monograph argues that the most plausible candidate for the spiritual visitor in Eliphaz’s vision (4:12-21) is Satan, who not only afflicts Job in the prologue (1:1-2:10), but also exerts his influence in the speeches ... -
The Illeism of Jesus and Yahweh: A Study of the Use of the Third-Person Self-Reference in the Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Texts and Its Implications for Christology
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-06-18)This study explores the relationship between the use of the third person for self-reference by Jesus and Yahweh and suggests the potential for both divine and royal themes associated with this manner of speech. Chapter 1 ... -
The Imago Dei and Blaise Pascal's Abductive Anthropological Argument
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018-06-07)Endeavoring to invigorate a Pascalian approach to Christian persuasion, this dissertation asks: How might the doctrine of the imago Dei strengthen Pascal’s anthropological argument? The central claim is that the doctrine ... -
The imago Dei, Transhumanism, and the Future Glory of Humanity: A Critical Interaction With Ray Kurzweil's Technological Singularity
(The Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2024-05)In this dissertation, I argue that Ray Kurzweil’s transhumanist vision toward a merger between human biology and technology, generated out of a technological “Singularity,” will have revolutionary implications for humanity. ... -
The impact of contemporary narrative homiletics on interpreting and preaching the Bible
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2006-04-27)This dissertation examines the impact of contemporary narrative homiletics on interpretation and preaching. Chapter 1 provides the groundwork for the study by laying out the thesis and methodology to be followed. Chapter ... -
The Impact of Gospel Content on the Shape of Corporate Worship in Select Baptist Churches in North America circa 1650-1910
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-06-18)Recent trends in Baptist worship have revealed an interest in Liturgical forms and some movement toward more thoughtful worship content and order in what has historically been a free church worship tradition. The fields ... -
The impact of institutional core values on traditional students at a Southern Baptist college
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2003-12-17)This dissertation examined to what degree traditional students were impacted by the institutional core values at a Southern Baptist college. The subjects of mission statements, core values, and college impact were defined. ... -
The Impact of Open Theism on C. Peter Wagner's Philosophy of Discipleship
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2022-09-26)This thesis demonstrates that Wagner’s philosophy of discipleship emerged from a theological basis established in open theism, affirming God limited his foreknowledge and omnipotence while denying his immutability. Moreover, ... -
The Impact of Open Theism on C. Peter Wagner's Philosophy of Discipleship
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2023-12)This dissertation demonstrates that Wagner’s philosophy of discipleship emerged from a theological basis established in open theism, affirming God’s limited foreknowledge and omnipotence while denying his immutability. ... -
The Impact of Servant Leadership and Christ-Centered Followership On the Problem of Police Brutality Against Minorities
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2021-03-15)This dissertation proposes that a law enforcement leadership model predicated on Christ-centered followership with a biblically based shepherding framework enhanced by servant leadership can shape individual officers and ... -
The Impact of Servant Leadership and Christ-Centered Followership on the Problem of Police Brutality Against Minorities
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2020-12)This thesis proposes that a law enforcement leadership model predicated on Christ-centered followership with a biblical metaphorical shepherding framework enhanced by servant leadership can shape individual officers and ... -
The impact of the biblical principles of community and honor on the problem of ageism in quality-adjusted life years
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2004-12-06)This thesis examines the problem of utilitarian ageism in Quality-Adjusted Life Years and contrasts it with the biblical principles of community and honor that are to characterize treatment of the elderly. Chapter 1 provides ...